Chapter 1

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Hi! My name is [Lula] I'm just a 13 year old pile of band and phan trash, nice to meet you! Here's my story, enjoy!

I don't quite remember what happened that night, it was dark out and I was at a party with a load of my friends, there were live bands playing and I was too drunk to recognise any of them but I do remember that I passed out at some point in the night, I woke up the next afternoon and went downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee then I remember hearing a loud crash coming from the living room so I went to see what it was, when I walked in the only thing I could see was the sofa on it's side I was curious to see why so I looked behind the sofa to see Gerard way hugging my cat tightly and whispering in it's ear, I'm not sure I want to know what he was saying if I'm honest.
I heard footsteps behind me I quickly turned around to see ray toro looking at me through my door, I walked over to him and said hi but he didn't answer me, I'm not sure why then he looked out my window and suddenly he jumped and pointed at a figure staring at us through the glass then Ray started stuttering "f..f...f..frank i..iero" I couldn't understand why he looked so scared until I saw the expression on franks face he looked psychotic almost like he wanted to rip us both apart I was about to scream until I heard moans coming from my bathroom I was curious to find out who was making those...sounds
I slowly opened my bathroom door to find Brendon urie sitting in my bathtub but he wasn't alone, I couldn't really make out the face of the other person as they were kneeling down and facing away but then they both heard the door creak and I recognised him as Ryan Ross I slammed the door shut as fast as I could after realising what they were doing.
I was so confused I though it was just a dream so I decided to go to bed and sleep and I told myself that "when I wake up it will all be back to normal and none of this madness will have happend"

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