Chapter Six

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After I cleaned up and prepared myself for facing Ryan, I went back to the kitchen where everyone was sitting. A crash came from my living room, which reminded me who was in it. I looked over at Ryan, a question biting at my tongue. I don't dare let it out yet, incase I'm wrong. I decide I will have to do a little more digging in the GCS database before I come to any conclusions. Still hoping I am wrong about Ryan and Jacob Krauf, I get up and walk back to the living room, careful to take my time incase someone is watching me. Kai has managed to flip his chair to left while still being tied to it. I push the chair back so it is upright, making sure that I don't tip him over to the left side. I look him in the eyes, the pain shooting through my chest. I looked away quickly before he catches me staring and questions me about it.

"If I let you go-" I begin, glaring at him threateningly.

"Yes please. I'll do anything, just please let my out of the encasement." He says in a rushed voice, cutting me off. "I'm not good in tight areas anyway. I get claustrophobic and I start hyperventilating."

I looked at him strangely, not sure if I should believe him. He must've noticed my hesitation because he turned pleading eyes up at me. "Uh." I internally groaned. Those puppy dog eyes were just like his brothers, and I couldn't ever resist them.

"Fine." I grumble and then add firmly, "But the rope around your hand stays." He rolls his eyes at me but agrees with me, so I walk around to the other side of the chair and begin to untie him. I tied it in five knots just be safe, so it might take me a while.

As I am untying him, he asks me a question, to which I freeze. "You seemed really shaken when you walked in here, are you alright?" I begin to panic, not sure what to tell him.

"Um, yes." I state, hoping he will leave it at that and stop talking. Sadly, he doesn't.

"You hesitated." He says softly. "What is it, Grace?" I stop to stare at him. "Since when do you care" I want to retort, but think better of it.

"I'm fine, Ry- Jacob." Cursing myself for almost mixing up the names, I start untying the knot again.

"What?" Jacob says sharply. "Who were you going to say?"

"No one." I say, and cheer in my head because I had just gotten the rope untied. "Your free." He stands up and looks at me worry etched across his face. I look away, because the look he is giving me is to much like the one his brother gave me 3 years ago when I left. He must notice me look down, because he reaches out to lift my head up. I step back just in time avoiding his hand, not wanting to look vulnerable. He slowly drops his hand back to his side, all while looking at me curiously.

"You're not like most girl, Grace." He says quietly.

"Well that's good." I state awkwardly. "Because I'm not a girl, I'm a woman." I say bravely, and then curse myself for sounding like a 3 year old. "Some woman I am, if I don't even sound like one." I say in my head. I start retreating out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Jacob calls to me. He gets starts to walk toward me to get past me and go down the hallway, but I put a hand up to stop him.

"I'm going to the bathroom and your not coming with me." I say firmly, making sure he understands there is no room for negotiation. "Evelyn will come and watch you."

"Watch me?" He mocks. Looking at me enraged. "I am a fully grown man, Grace. I do not need a freaking baby-sitter."

"Well, you never know. you might try to knock down my precious vase, and if that happens, I might have to kill you." I say nodding to a $45 vase on the table across the room. "We wouldn't want that to happen, now would we?"

He looks at me, at the vase and then at the gun holster on my leg and back to my face. He sits down in the couch by the vase, and suggestively puts his hand out as to knock it over. "Who knew the Krauf brothers had a sense of humor." I say to myself. He looks at at me and laughs.

"Lightened up a little, sweetheart." He drawls. I freeze at the nickname. Sweetheart. And there's the aching in my heart again. I remember the first time Ryan called me that, I had thought I accidentally died and went to heaven. I look up at the ceiling as tears started forming in my eyes from the flashback. I leave the room unable to ignore the feel of Jacobs eyes on my back, staring daggers into me, as I walk away. As I walk down the hallway, the tears that formed in my eyes fell down my face. I stopped halfway down the hallway, and leaned on the side so I could regain my composure before going back into the kitchen, to face Evy and the others. P

As I walk into the kitchen, I notice that Ryan isn't in here anymore.

"Where's Ryan?" I ask Evelyn, puzzled. Evelyn jumps and I say something obviously not noticing I had walked in. I smirk a little, knowing that I still could sneak up on people. She looks at me an then at Alec, and I catch a worried glance shared between them. "What is it, Evelyn?"

"Ryan, had to go to the bathroom. I thought you would have seen him." Evelyn replied nervously.

"I didn't see him. When did he walk out?" I ask curiously.

"Like a minute before you came in here." Evelyn replied. "He said he was going to the bathroom, but he didn't know where it was so I hold him where the one was in the living room." In the living room. Jacob is in the living room. Jacob doesn't know that Ryan is here. Ryan doesn't know Jacob is here. I think to myself hurriedly. I glance at Evelyn and Alec, a pained look on my face.

"I'll be right back." I say to them, in a rush. "I have to- I forgot something in the living room." I rush out not waiting for they're response and sprint down the hallway. I notice the living room door is closed and also notice that there is shouting coming from inside.

"I thought you were dead!"

"I'm not dead, you idiot."

"Why the hell are you here?"

"Why the hell are you here?"

I slowly open the door, not wanting to face World War Three. As I walk in they abruptly stop talking and stare at me.

"So..." I begin nervously. "I see the two brothers have reunited!"

They stared at me and it was all I could do to not look away. Then to make it even worse, they started firing questions at me.

"You knew he was here?"

"How do you know him?"

"Where did you meet him?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I looked up at the ceiling praying to God that I would last through this. It never went well with one brother and now to have them reunited together, was even worse. I had started a war and it was not going to go down well. As they kept firing questions at each other and at me, I sat down on the end of the couch and held my head in my hands, trying to get rid of the headache that was forming.

That's right... the Krauf brothers have found each other after 4 years of them both thinking that the other one was dead.


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OMG! 1378 words! YAY!
I'm super excited for the next chapter! Thanks for reading this book, I'm that person who doesn't really now what she is doing, but hopes she is doing everything right!


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