Chapter 2

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When I wake up it's 2 in the afternoon and Shane and Mikayla are playing in the kitchen. As I walk into the kitchen I see Shane spin Mikayla around and pretend to drop her. She laughed so hard it was adorable. I quietly remove my phone and take a picture and record the moment. I put my phone away and walk the rest of the way into the kitchen. When Shane notices I'm there he stands up picking Mikayla up smiling.
"Good morning beautiful." He says turning red realizing what he said.
"Good morning Shane." I say blushing walking over to him giving Mikayla a kiss.
"Hey where's mine?" He says pretending to be hurt. "I'm joking, I know you don't like me like that." he says putting Mikayla into the high chair. I stopped what I was doing and quickly looked at him.
"Woah what do you mean I don't like you like that?" I say.
"You don't like me as anything more than friends and I-" I stop him mid-sentence but connecting our lips. Mikayla claps and I pull away getting some orange juice.
"Woah. Wait you do like me." He says astonished. I nod picking up Mikayla.
"Faith please be my girlfriend?" He asks taking my hand in his.
"Woah cowboy. We hardly know anything about each other."
"We will learn them then, will you go out with me?" He replys.
"I'll think about it. Where are Zoe and Daizhan?" I ask confused.
"Oh they went home earlier." He says putting Mikayla back in the high chair and giving her cereal bites.
"So did you have plans today?" Shane asks taking a bite of an apple.
" I was thinking about taking Mikayla to the zoo and maybe the park. Why?"
"I wanna go." He says standing up.
"I'll go home and get us changed and you can pick us up at 4 okay?"
"Okay." He replys cleaning up the kitchen. I put Mikayla in her car seat and get her toys putting them in the bag. When we get home it's 2:45 so we have a while to get ready. I lay Mikayla down for her nap, and pick out my clothes for the day. Since its may I decide on a floral flowey crop top and some dark jeans and my purple vans. I quickly shower, I shave and use my Victoria body wash along with my coconut shampoo and conditioner. I get out the shower blow dry my hair and put it in a waterfall braid. I then brush my teeth and apply eye liner, mascara and lip gloss before getting dressed. After I get dressed I bath Mikayla since she was awake and put her in a cute sundress and a jean jacket. I took a picture of her and we took some selfies. Then I put her flower sandals on her and we hear a knock at the door. I open the door to see Shane standing there with flowers in his hand. I giggle taking the flowers and put them in a vase.
"You're such a flirt but thank you." I say smiling
"You're welcome. You look nice today." He says blushing.
"Thank you." I say blushing. I then quickly put Mikayla in her car seat and grab her diaper bag which I filled with little snacks for her bottles and diaper and wipes.
"Here let me take this." He says taking the car seat out my hand and leading us to the car. I lock the door behind me and head to his jeep. He puts Mikayla in the car then puts her stroller in the trunk. We listen to music on the way to the zoo and had fun the whole time. We laughed and messed around. Mikayla loved the zoo. At the park Shane pushed her in the swings and took her down the slide. He then made us take a selfie with him and he took us for ice cream. He dropped us of at my house and we bathed and went straight to bed. Today was a good day!

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