Chapter 2

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Finally updating for PixieTiff99
I'm lazy, and a really good procrastinator- but I decided to update because I promised an update, and because my dear friend (like always) reminded me.

Sequel to Misfortune- Chpt.2

//Not edited//
//Sasuke's pov//

"My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations."
-John Green, The Fault in our Stars


5 hours.

I called Kiba 5 hours ago, and he has yet to show up. I'm currently in a jailcell- being treated as a criminal because I didn't properly pay for my alcohol, and my head in literally about to pop out of my body.

I can't think straight.

The officer gave me coffee to get rid of my hangover, but it hasn't started working. I literally spent my New Years in jail as a criminal- the current time, 4:47 am. I suspect my dear friend won't show up until 6:00 am at least- unless he's being generous and he shows up at 5:30 am.

Honestly, Kiba is an asshole.

I don't blame him for showing up late- or even if he doesn't show up at all. He was supposed to spend New Years with a group of friends, not picking his idiot friend up from the police station because of his hangover. The funny thing is that the cops didn't even give me a chance to pay my bill- they immediately took me by force and ignored me completely.

Kind of like Naruto.

I heard as the jail cell door creek open to reveal Kiba standing at the entrance with the key, "looks like you've had a rough night, Uchiha." He smiled lightly after sighing deeply, "how's about we get the hell out of this place?" A small grin was left on my face as I stood up from the hard ground and walked over to my hyperactive friend.

"Happy New Year idiot. And your welcome."


Kiba was an idiot and decided to take me out to a club to talk about what had happened. Who the hell goes to a club to talk? Kiba that's who. He was insistent on getting every detail out of me- I of course told him to bug off and let go of the topic, that it wasn't important.

That was until he bought me a drink.

"You saw him? Are you sure? Maybe you were just drunk as fuck, man." Kiba stated as he drunk down another cup of alcohol, he laughed as my expression became sour. I crossed my arms in anger- he was wrong, Naruto was there! "Come on Sasuke- five mother f^cking years! Give the guy a break and move on, you were a cheating bastard!" Kiba continued to blab on as he got drunker than necessary.

I glared daggers at my idiotic friend who dared insult me, "yeah well I saw him okay? And when I saw him it was like everything around me froze- and my stupid ass drunk self was captivated by his gorgeous blue eyes." I felt myself staring right at Kiba- and things got a little awkward. Kiba looked at me with wide eyes, then cleared his throat, "okay... cool I guess- but he's dating a chick, dude, leave'em alone."

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