Chapter 3

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Mistakes Chapter 3- Fucking Things Up

//Not edited//

//Sasuke's point of view//

My head is killing me.

I could feel my entire body ache as I lifted myself up the unfamiliar mattress, groaning in pain. I couldn't quite understand where I was, but I knew I was drunk as fuck last night- so whatever happened must have been a mistake. You know, when you're drunk you think you own the world- so you just go for it. You do whatever you've been wanting to do, except drunk and stupid.

I've also noticed I'm completely naked.

Then it finally hit me- I must've slept with somebody. Somebody... but who?! I swear that whenever I find out who it was, I'm going to hit myself in the head for being so stupid! I heard someone groan behind me as they pulled more blanket towards themselves. The thing that scared me most was that the groan sounded a bit more feminine than I expected.

Oh sh!t, please tell I slept with someone other th-

"Oh Sasuke-kun, you have no idea how much my head hurts from drinking so much last night..."


I turned by head and saw a familiar lock of pink hair pop out of the blanket cover, she soon stuck her head out of the blanket cover as well- revealing the one girl I didn't want to end up sleeping with. Whatever her name is. "Sasuke? Why the long face? Can't you remember, or did you drink too much?" the pinkette sat up from her lazy laying position and scooted closer to me- only wearing a bra and underwear might I add.

I could've sworn I ended up making out with Kiba- so why was she here instead?

I felt as she wrapped her thin arms around my waist, hugging me gently, sending goosebumps up my spine- "Sasuke... after your friend or whatever left, you were on the ground crying about something- you kept saying you miss him and you loved him, I'm guessing your friend? When I offered to take you home you pulled me towards you and started kissing me..." her expression was emotionless, she sighed heavily then let go- "so then we made love."

We made love.

Kiba left me- I was crying, then we made love.

"You're telling me, I kissed you?" my voice was still dripping in alcohol, I tried my best not to slur my words. She gave me a look of concern, then leaned on my shoulder- I was quick to push her off, "Tell me we used protection." Her eyes widened and she looked stunned. "Excuse me?" I grew angrier by the second- she heard me but didn't want to answer, "I said- tell me we used protection." This time she looked at me with disgust, as if I was the crazy one, "is that all you care about? Finding out if you got me pregnant- then leaving me?"

I don't even know her fucking name, God please tell me I didn't get her pregnant.

I stood up, a bit dizzy, then started putting my clothes back on. I wasn't going to deal with her sh!t right now, we were going to find out if she was pregnant now. She looked at me a bit awed, then finally spoke- "where are you going?" I gave her a look of pure anger, "We are going to the corner store to buy a pregnancy test- then you are going to use it, and this whole thing will be solved."

"What if I am pregnant?"

Those are the words I didn't want to hear. I couldn't deal with getting some other woman pregnant right now, especially after finding Naruto. If I did get this girl pregnant, then I'd most likely lose my mind.

Please God- make sure she is not pregnant.


I stood outside the bathroom impatiently waiting for the pinkette to come out and assure me that she is most definitely not pregnant. I could only stand and impatiently tap my foot, hoping and praying she wasn't pregnant. God only knew how much of a horrible father I would be- especially of a child I truly did not want. Then I could also imagine the look on Naruto's face if I got whatever her name is pregnant- and didn't stay to take care of the child.

If he didn't hate me then, he'd hate me now for sure.

Finally I saw the pinkette approach me slowly, her head down and eyes glued to the ground- this couldn't be good. She looked up to face me, sadness in her expression as she gently whispered-

"I'm pregnant."

God- tell me I heard wrong.


"You heard me- I am pregnant, it came out positive."

"That can't be true! Try it again- buy another one a-"

"I'm pregnant Sasuke- you got me pregnant and I'm not spending another $6.79 to confirm it."

This had to be some kind of joke, right? How did I get whatever her name is pregnant! One night- one night and I got her pregnant! I honestly would've preferred it if me and Kiba slept together, at least that way I couldn't possibly get him pregnant! And why did Kiba ditch me? Because we kissed- that's a pretty stupid reason. The least he could've done was not leave me weeping of the floor for my ex-boyfriend.

This was hopeless, I was only avoiding the unavoidable- she was pregnant.

I felt as she held my hand gently- waiting for some kind of response or reaction. Her eyes were watery, and hands shaking, she must also be scared.

"Well... I guess we've got to take care of that kid..."

You could clearly hear the agony in my voice- I was definitely not happy about this at all. She must've ignored my tone because as soon as I said that she jumped up in joy and gave me a tight embrace- making me a bit uncomfortable. "You're going to meet my parents, and my friends- oh you've got to meet this one friend of mine, she's the best! She and her boyfriend are the cutest thing ever!" the pinkette squealed in happiness- treating me as if I were her boyfriend or whatever.

This could be my biggest mistake ever made...

I got whatever her name is pregnant!

End of Chapter.

   Fucking Things Up.

"Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it."

― Salvador Dalí

Well I hope you enjoyed this short chapter- a chapter where basically, everything got fucked up! Yeah, you thought he'd end up fucking his best friend, KIba, huh? WELL YOU WERE WRONG! HA! Now to see how things turn up...

I'll update again soon! Have lovely day/night/New Years Eve!

(Or Happy New Years if it's already 2016 where you live!)

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