Chapter 5

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Chapter 5, Mistakes - Big Bro Naruto
Not Edited

This chapter isn't too exiting, I made it to introduce a few new characters. Konohamaru is my spirit animal, and I love all his little friends. Enjoy!

"Nobody said families were perfect, they said you couldn't change them despite their imperfections."


Waking up on an old racecar bed wasn't exactly in my plans. The mattress was way too small for my height, and my feet hung off the edge uncomfortably. My eyes finally made out my dark surroundings. The lights were off, and I seemed to be in a child's bedroom. The walls were colored orange, and covered with vulgar posters of underdressed women and first-person shooter games. A dark brown dresser stood beside the bed, a picture of a familiar blond man on a horse with a young boy sat on top. The frame was handmade of popsicle sticks and small seashells.

The blond man, Naruto, smiled blindingly as he held the small brown-haired boy in place. The boy looked utterly terrified, but a small smile crept on his face as well. The picture was heartwarming. He saw more pictures covering the brown dresser - some were of the pair hiking, others of them in some sort of eating competition. They seemed close. The boy looked a lot younger though, perhaps they were related?

He got off the mattress and decided to snoop around the bedroom some more.

A bookshelf stood beside the white door, it was painted a dark green. The words "Big Bro Naruto" were carved on it with childlike calligraphy. The shelf itself was full of CD's by some band called 21 Pilots, and first-person shooter games for the XBOX One, and even a few videogames for the Wii U. A few of the CD's were signed by what might be the artists, one reading: "To a big fan, Konohamaru - awesome name, kid!"

It seemed I was in this "Konohamaru"'s bedroom. It was a strange name indeed. A bit difficult to remember for someone who probably isn't used to the spelling or pronunciation.

Before I got to snoop around some more, the bedroom door opened quietly, revealing a shy woman whom I swear I recognized. She was timid looking, with long, dark violet colored hair. Her body was definitely womanly - she had curves on all the right places, and was surprisingly short. At least by my standards. She looked a bit shocked by me, probably expecting me to still be sleeping or something.

This was a little awkward.

"S-Sasuke, you're awake. Do you remember what happened to you?" She whimpered softly. Her hands began to nervously fidget, and her eyes averted themselves to look at something other than me. She looked like a nervous wreck.

"Not really. I suspect I was beaten up. Am I correct?" I replied casually, trying to get her to stop freaking out. Her nervous fidgeting was getting on my nerves, and I'd prefer it if she'd calm down. I placed back the CD and faced her respectfully.

She nodded vigorously and moved away from the entrance, "y-yes, unfortunately, but Naruto already patched up your wounds so you should b-be fine."

So Naruto was around, huh? This is interesting. I sure hoped he hasn't found out about you-know-who's pregnancy, that would prove rather troublesome.

I gave a grateful nod in approval and walked toward the exit. "Where am I, and where is everyone?"

"Oh w-well, Sakura and the rest are outside in the b-backyard speaking of h-her pregnancy. Congratulations b-by the way!" The stuttering mess stated happily. I could already feel her judgemental eyes pouring through me, that fake smile isn't fooling anyone. If everyone already knows, that means Naruto definitely knows, he was like that bitch's best friend back then. This is a mess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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