Chapter 6: Freedom Reigns

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Karissa POV: 

Now that I have these bitches tied, time for phase two. I'm gonna call up one of my good boys and have him get a plane for me. Yeah, I'm his hoe and in return I get whatever I want. All I need to do to keep his faith with me is fuck when he wants. He has connections all over the country, so he should pull something out of his hat, let alone pants. I called him up and he responded in no time. 

"Wassup bae?" He said in his manly voice. 

"Bae, imma need you to do something for me." I answered back to him. He immediately answered back," Eh, before I go out here doing dare n' do, I'm horny, help me out?" 

"I'll be over in a minute." I said smiling. 

2 and a half hours later....

We were breathing hard and sweat covered his sheets. We were laying next to each other, smiling from our fiesty and heating sex session. I looked up at him, knowing now he gonna get me what I wanted. 

"So, babe, you gon' get me my plane?" I answered, now catching my breath. 

"Imma hook you up." He answered back, still breathing a little hard since he put in some extra work with this one. It's all coming together. Finally. 

Imani POV: 

I bounced on over to the keypad, typing in the code I saw Karissa type in. It worked. I gave Chrissy the signal and she scooted over to me. She used her teeth to loosen up the knot Karissa's boy tied to me and I unraveled the rope around me, repeating this with Chrissy. We went down a dreary hall into this little room, equipped with old, unwanted items. Things like old wigs, basketballs, and other stuff. Chrissy thought if we put those wigs on two of the basketballs and tie it to the chairs, and put it in the same spot we were in, it would buy us some time to escape. We took the two basketballs and put the wigs on them, making sure one side was competely covered. Then we took the rope we were tied up with and put it on the chair. We set up the chairs so the chairs were facing away from the doors. On the way out, I accidentally bumped the table in front of me and a drawr opened. As nosey as I am, I investigated. An old journal was placed in there and I looked in it. It was names of girls and how they were murdered. I started skimming through the list:

Cierra Hockman: Stabbed to Death

Yolanda Simmons: Poisoned

Naomi Campbell: Shot to death

Uniquah Jones: Stabbed to Death 

Then I came across something I wish I never came across. One of the names read:

Rayla Morris: Lethal Injection

Chante's late sister?! What?! eeeeekkkkk!(lol its a squeal), I gotta tell Tae! I gotta tell Chrissy!

"Chrissy look!" I signaled for her to come here,"Look right here!"

"Rayla Morris: Lethal Injection!"  Chrissy's jaw dropped,"We gotta tell Tae!

"I would like to tell her near Karissa so we can all jump her demented ass!" I said making a joke. Chrissy wasn't laughing, she was... thinking. 

"Actually that's not a bad idea." She said to me. She snatched the book out of my hands and hid it in her boot,"Lets go!" 

Chante POV: 

Ahhh! This is the life! Right now I'm rocking my new bathing suit at the Atlantis pool. Mom is at the spa, and dad is getting food with Alicia. I decided I'd catch some rays and get a tan at the pool. It was so calming and relaxing. My phone began to vibrate and it was a voicemail from an unknown number. The voicemail siad: Watch your back bitch! I'm coming for you tomorrow! Yo ass better be prepared to rot in hell! Say yo prayers tonight sweetheart, cuz them brains finna get blasted tomorrow. Bye! That terrified the living shit out of me! I immediately went and showed my mom the voicemail. 

"Well who in the hell would even think of sending you that?!" My mom became outraged. She sat back in her vibrating chair and tried talking as her speech became smaller once the massage button got turned on. 

"yoOoOoOou JuUuUuUuUuUsT gOtTtTaA bBe CoOolL. DoOn'T fReAaK OoOuUUuUuT." My mom sounded funny as the vibrations from the chair messed with her speech. I giggled a little from her voice. 

"Ok ma, thanks." I gave her a hug and let her relax from her spa day. I went in the hotel room to be met with my dad and Alicia watching those little recordings from the resort parties and events. I love watching people acting tipsy and all retarded. 

"Hey dad." I said plopping down on the other free bed. 

"Hey honey, having fun?" He asked, lifting up Alicia to get ready to change her. 

"Yeah, uh, can I talk to you?" I got nervous a little because my dad gets very enraged when someone messes with his little girl. 

"Yeah, wassup?" He asked wiping Alicia's area and bottom. 

"Well, I got this very disturbing voicemail earlier today," I said,"Here, listen."

I put the voicemail on and put it to dad's ear. His facial expression stayed vacant the entire time hearing the voicemail. 

"Well I will make sure nothing happens to you tomorrow, ok? Over my dead body will she ever blast your brains out!" He said. That comforted me greatly. My dad has always helped me through very tough situations. Back in the day he used to be an MMA fighter, and fought professionals. So I think he can baically handle any opponent. 


I am having very bad feelings in my gut. All this is making me stressed out. Although nothing makes me happier than me and Roc's relationship. Roc asked me to be his girl yesterday, and we immediately had sex after that. He used protection, but when we were done, I felt something slimy under my leg. I pealed back the covers to find the condom we used. It had a little cum on it, so I know Roc had to have came inside of me, because I know men cum more than that. So it's either the stress or Roc's cum is having a meet and greet with my eggs. This morning I threw up, twice. I ate all of my little brother's Kit Kats because I wanted something chocolatey. I just know I'm pregnant. I decided to go to CVS and buy the most accurate pregnancy test there. I went home and took and it read... 

Chrissy POV: 

Me and Imani ran out of that death trap and to a nearby neighborhood. We were walking down the block when we saw Karissa come out of a big house nearby. We immediately hid behind a nearby car. I feel like I'm acting for 'I Almost Got Away With It'. We watched as Karissa got into her car and drive away. I sigh of relief hit both me and Imani. We made a run for it at my house. While we were running we saw posters with both me and Imani's face on them. I took out my phone and called my mom. She cried so hard. I knew she was happy I was coming home. Imani shortly called her mom off of my phone since hers is in her house. She instantly started crying and squealing. We're coming home! 

Karissa POV: 

I went into the building to see Chrissy and Imani sitting next to each other, their backs to me. 

"Did I ask for you bitches to move!?" I yelled as I walked over to them. I went to look at their faces only to be met by an old ass basketball and one of my wigs. Shit! They escaped!

I whipped out my phone and called all my worker boys. 

"Search everywhere for them, then take them on the plane!" 

So how was that chapter? Is CeCe preggers? Is Chante safe? will Chrissy and Imani ever come home? Comment, Vote, and FOOOLLLLOOOWWWZZZZZ

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