Chapter 24: Promise.

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Wilmer was awoken to someone moving away from him, he knew it was Demi so he swiftly turned to grab her waist and pull her back towards him which made her frown. Wilmer didn't know what was wrong between them two, they were great until last night when everything went wrong.

"Wilmer, I've got to go and get Carter awake." She tried pulling from his grasp but his grip tightened on her waist which made her head fall against his neck. She gave up trying as Wilmer wasn't letting her go but didn't talk to him, she just lay on top of him. Wilmer was trying to think of words to say about last night revelation, before muttering to Demi,

"I'm not sucking up to you Demi, I'm staying with you throughout this and even if that means getting a break of work for a year that'll have to be! I don't care about work, I care about you and our little family so don't ever say why did you have another baby to me because you know why... I love you, I want a family with you and trust me I'm nervous but we are keeping this baby no matter what! Yeah, we are going to be stressed but I will call my family or yours and the can help because we're not alone Demi. We've got family and friends but most importantly you have me, listen to me because I need you to believe me... I will never leave you, till the day I die hermosa." Demi's head was now facing upwards to see Wilmer, he was looking angry and Demi knew he'd heard her conversation last night.

"You don't have to take a break Wilmer, I forgot about my family so they'll be able to help too I'm just- Scared." Demi sighed, Wilmer leaned down to press their lips together but it didn't last long when he pulled away from the kiss making Demi pout.

"Don't be, you don't have to be scared when I'm here Demi! This baby, is going to grow up being loved and I will make sure we make it through these next months. I promise you that Demi." Wilmer never broke any promises to Demi so the seriousness in Wilmer's words made her smile, she felt more relaxed than before.

"I love you too." Demi finally replied pulling his head forwards towards her her lips making them crash together, Wilmer's hands running down her sides and she tangled her fingers in her hair but only to be pulled away by somebody running into the room quickly. Demi jumped of Wilmer with a squeal, wishing it wasn't Marissa but glad-fully it was Skylar but she was already dressed.

"Marissa already got me and Carter ready that's why he wasn't crying, she told me to come in and you in case you was kissing which you was. Disgusting. Hurry up and get dressed." She shook her head with a distasteful look before walking out of the room which made Demi laugh at how stern she was with them.

"Yes mom." Demi shouted making Skylar giggle in the other room and Wilmer to chuckle beside her. Demi fell against Wilmer's chest again with a groan as she didn't want to get up but jumped up when Wilmer mentioned the rides there, screaming at Wilmer go hurry and get ready whole Wilmer laughed at how quickly she was running around.
Finally after Demi was shouting at everybody to hurry up because she wanted to go on rides they were finally at the rides and Marissa instantly ran off with Skylar making Demi roll her eyes at Marissa's childish behaviour but smile at how excited her daughter was. Wilmer turned to Demi, he had Carter in his arms as they smiled at fans who stared wide eyes at the couple as they continued to walk through Disneyland.

"What ride first, babe?" Wilmer questioned, watching his girlfriend look around in excitement. They'd been there a lot of times but was Skylar's only second time and Carters first, he didn't really understand so he just smiled at all the chaos around. Demi looked to Carter with a confused expression.

"We can't go on rides if we have Carter." Demi frowned, but Wilmer motioned with his hand for Demi to to the back over them. Demi turned around in shock when she seen Max, she forgot that he was with them but excitedly squealed whole jumping up and down. Max was over in a flash with the stern look on his face and Wilmer patted his back to say thank you before handing him Carter, Max knew what to do with him as he'd watched Carter many time while Demi and shows.

"Thank you Max. After an hour or so we will find you and you can enjoy your time too!" Demi smiled softly at him before Max waved them off, he didn't mind watching Carter and even if it was his job to watch Demi and Wilmer not leave her and Wilmer to go off he knew that Wilmer would be able to handle the crowd. On the rides they'd probably go to the front.

"I'm fine, anyway it's my job! I've been here many times anyway." Demi hesitated leaving her son but he was on his way back asleep, max seen her hesitation so he told her they'll wait in the cafe for them while he gave Carter a bottle and he ate. Dem I smiled gracefully at him before her and Demi was running of together like a pair of teenagers and enjoyed their time together.

Forgetting about all problems as they met up with Marissa and Skylar then enjoyed time together, as a family which they hadn't done in long. Demi was smiling much more and nothing crossed her mind while she went to ride after ride, but forgot about Max and Carter as they was Demi was in the moment. Even though Skylar wasn't aloud on many rides they still went on some of them she was aloud on, she enjoyed time with her mom and dad without them stressing out a lot or arguing. Wilmer was enjoying seeing Demi so happy so he didn't mention anything to her the rest of the day, seeing her smile so genuine made him want to see her like that all the time, with a smile on her face and without any problems.

It got darker and as they were riding the same ride they'd been on 3 times in the day when they where upside down Demi realised she hadn't been their to get her son at all. She turned to Wilmer and slapped his arm but screamed when they went upside down one last time before the ride had ended.

"Wilmer, our son! Quick, Max is going to be so angry." Demi stormed to the exit were she met Marissa and Skylar, both were smiling as they went on a different ride because Skylar wasn't aloud on the one Demi and Wilmer had just been on. Most rides were closing up and not many people were around, Marissa had candy floss in her hand as Skylar had a Minnie house cap on, her face painted and a drink in her hand. Demi had her face painted be used Skylar wanted them to be matching which made Demi awe at her. Wilmer had a cap on which had Disneyland on as Demi made him wear even when he said it looke stupid he done it for Demi and Skylar.

"Carter." Demi muttered to them before the all of them rushed of through the theme park were no more rides were open, Skylar on Wilmer's shoulders as he held Demi's hand. They ran to the cafe but it was closed, Demi cursed before turning to Wilmer with a death glare.

"Did you remember? Where's my baby Wilmer?!" Demi was stressing out all of a sudden and it made Wilmer frown, gently holding her wrist he turned her towards the other side of the park.

"They're over there for the California show. I text Max a couple hours ago and said you was having too much fun and asked if he could hold him all day, he said yeah and before text me that they were at the show... You wasn't stressing out which made me smile, I hate seeing you stressful and felt you needed to relax. My bad huh?" Wilmer immediately walked over to the people watching the show, making Demi instantly feel bad for swearing at him.

"Why do you always fight with daddy? You've only been back for awhile and your always arguing, daddy said its because your stressed. Why? You make daddy feel bad for being nice and it's mean momma, he tries to be nice and you always throw it back in his face! We done a nice thing by keeping you happy and stress free but you threw it back, I'm not talking to you!" Demi was dumbfounded at the 6 year old as she crossed her arms, storming away. Demi sighed knowing her wise 6 year old was right, Wilmer wanted to throw his acting away just for her to be happy and to help her but she just keeps hurting him.

Great, now my boyfriend and child hate me. When will I be able to have an nice family day out without screwing it up.

Old Ways.(Sequel To Secret Daughter) Demi Lovato FanFic.Where stories live. Discover now