Chapter 28: Dance Like Nobody's Watching.

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After the problem with the guy Demi and Wilmer didn't waste anytime getting on with their day and enjoying time as a family, Wilmer never keeping his hands off her because of the bikini she was wearing. Her mothers words stayed in her mind throughout the day but she tried her best to interact the whole day. Now she was tired and was sitting with Marissa, Madison and Dallas on the chairs set up in the sun for them as Wilmer kept hold of their 2 children with his family.

"So... New baby Demi?" Marissa smiled towards Demi and all of their eyes went towards Demi's stomach making her feel uncomfortable as her hand instantly went towards the bump forming upon her. She let out a deep breath she was holding while staring up at them and they instantly knew she wanted to tell them something.

"What?" Dallas asked, confused on why Demi had a doubting face upon her along with Marissa and Madison. "I think it's amazing! I want another girl." Madison spoke up with an excited look on her face making Demi smile towards her sister, she was excited but had a lot of doubts about it.

"I want a girl too but I still have my doubts about me and Wilmer, it's not about the baby because I'm happy I'm having another baby. Me and Wilmer aren't- I don't know it just-" The girls watched Demi closely and suddenly a smirk appeared on Marissa's face at what Demi wanted and what she already knew what Wilmer told them.

"Not engaged but you want to be?" She smirk on Marissa's face clear, Demi shrugged as she wasn't denying the fact but it was her fault. She was the one that walked out on Wilmer that say and left the best thing she ever had, she regretted that day and hated thinking about it. Demi wished she could have that ring back on her finger, it felt so right and it officially claimed Wilmer's as hers and her as Wilmer's, it felt good. Demi didn't know whether she wanted to or not but had thought about it a lot, the thought of Wilmer proposing again was ecstatic and made Demi swoon but thought about whether they could make it work again. It terrified her incase everything went wrong like he last engagement and nothing worked out, she didn't want to ruin what her and Wilmer had which was exactly what Wilmer was thinking.

"I don't know, I don't wanna screw things up between us again we've been doing amazing as a family. Now with our 3rd child I want Wilmer to be here, to help me through it unlike when I had Carter and didn't have him. I regret the decision I made that day to take the ring off and leave him, what should I do?" Demi asked Marissa, she hadn't been able to ask for advice but Wilmer had Sacco for advice and she hated that. Sacco always chose the wrong advice.

"Demi, everything's starting to work out between you both. You both took off where you left off and it's been going great, maybe this time you can finally settle down and have the perfect family you've always wished for." Marissa shrugged, but Demi remembered her mothers words again. I know you plan out your future and want the perfect family bit Things won't always work out as planned.

"Maybe..." Demi muttered, biting her inner lip as she slipped into her thoughts. Her eyes darted over towards her boyfriend who was in the water with Skylar on one arm and Carter on the other who was splashing around at the new feeling of being in the water.
After they spent the day as a family, it was becoming darker so they decided to leave as everybody was starting to whine about being exhausted and wanting to go back to the hotel. They all went home to change into something else for the night as the family was going home in the morning so it was the night together, Wilmer wasn't doing great at calming his nerves in front of Demi as she continuously gave him strange looks for acting weird.

"What's the matter, babe?" Demi questioned for the nth time as they walked towards the restaurant they was all meeting at, Demi's arm around Wilmer's as they walked with Skylar trailing in front of them and Carter in Wilmer's arms but drinking his milk before he fell asleep.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Why do you keep asking that?" Wilmer turned his head while chuckling nervously but Demi just shrugged and continued to walk before they came towards the restaurant they was meeting both their families, Demi was starting to become tired from the long day which made Wilmer nervous about the time.

"I liked today with our families, I wish they could stay!" Demi pouted, she hasn't spent time with Wilmer, her children and her family before and loved every second of it. She hated not being able to talk much with them or see them more but now she was an adult she understood that she had a family to look after and a job to continue.

"Babe, we will see them soon." Wilmer chuckled, Demi nodded in agreement before Wilmer opened the door like a gentle man for her before kissing her cheek. Holding hands her eyes met with Marissa's as her and Wilmer's family sat at the other end of the restaurant as they all smiled seeing the two. Skylar ran towards Dallas with a smile on her face while Demi and Wilmer took a seat beside Diana on the left side and Madison on Wilmer's left.

"Ready?" Wilmer muttered in Madison's ear which she instantly nodded with a smile on her face as Wilmer calmed his nerves, Demi interacting with her family immediate and laughing whenever somebody told a joke which made Wilmer grin. He loved her obnoxious laugh.

"She's ready Wilmer, trust me. Breath!" Madison giggled towards the anxious man before Wilmer's realised his son was asleep against him. He took the bottle form his slightly parted mouth and wrapped he blanket around him more to keep him from the cold.

"Here Wilmer, I'll take him off you and put him asleep by me so he can lay down." The tension was thick between everyone and some anxious which Demi caught onto, she wasn't stupid and wondered why everyone was so quite. Demi was curiously looking around the huge table at everybody who was laughing and joking with her eyebrows raised but when she felt Wilmer's breath against her lips she smiled.

"Did I mention you look beautiful tonight?" Demi leaned her head back against him while laughing slightly at the man, Wilmer had told Demi repeatedly that she was looking 'hot' or 'beautiful' or 'exquisite' which she blushed at all of them as she loved when he man complimented her everyday.

"Yes, for the thousandth time but I love it! Thank you." Demi pecked Wilmer's Wilmer's lips before shutting her eyes and her head fell in the crook of his neck with a tired sigh coming from her mouth. Everybody's eyes was on them with either an awe look on their face or a jealous look at how cute they was and how they couldn't have that.

After an hour or so and into their meal the night picked up, with now everybody on the dance floor In front of them and laughing around with each other. Only them was in the restaurant as they didn't want paps taking pictures of them on such a special night for Wilmer. Skylar was with Marissa and Dallas on the dance floor while Wilmer and Sacco was laughing and joking with each other, after awhile Wilmer turned his head to see Demi falling asleep and didn't want her to so he quickly got from his chair and gave his hand towards her. She had a curious look on as she scared down to his hand then to the dance floor.

"Really? What if people see?" Demi asked, looking around the empty restaurant only with the servers or people that work there but Wilmer chuckled at the self conscious girl before not asking for permission this time and grabbing her hand. Demi squealed as Wilmer took her onto the dance floor with their family, it was a fast song that was on but Wilmer or Demi didn't care about that as Wilmer whispered in Demi's ear after seconds of her hesitating and looking around,

"Let's dance like nobody's watching, beautiful." With that they took of dancing and squealing around, Wilmer's hands on Demi's waist the whole time as the smiles on their faces never disappeared. Throughout the night Demi's eyes never moved from Wilmer's except the time she looked around her family, that's when Demi finally realised,

I want to marry him.

Old Ways.(Sequel To Secret Daughter) Demi Lovato FanFic.Where stories live. Discover now