Chapter 26: Officially Mine.

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Wilmer was awoken to an empty space beside him which made him frown as him and Demi always woke up together. He rubbed his eyes while slowly walking to the bathroom to brush his teeth, still adjusting to the light of the new day. Wilmer heard Demi's laugh throughout the apartment and it brought a smile on his face at the sound of it, I love her and I want to start a family but are we ready? He hated not knowing the answer to that and hoped over the next couple of weeks it would come clear to him. He exited the bathroom after finishing his business to find Demi, as soon as he stepped out of the room he ran straight into Demi making her fall back.

"Baby, are you okay?" Wilmer asked as he caught her just before she fell and hurt herself against the floor, immediately seeing her sleepy face made him bring her in for a kiss. He was never going to adjust to being with her, they've known each over for long and he still loves her sleepy face as she looks cute. When she gets excited her brown eyes light up with delight, he loved everything about her but each day he'd learn something new about her.

"I'm okay, I was coming to wake you. I want to know what your plan is." Demi grinned, still never letting go of form what he said last night and it made him chuckle. Wilmer had to peck her lips one last time because she was intoxicating, he couldn't get enough of her and with her breathtaking smile would make any guy fall for her. Instead of answering Demi's question he connected their hands together before walking out to see the two children already awake. Demi giggled at Wilmer's astonished expression as usually he was the first person to wake up, kissing his cheek she pulled him towards the couch were Skylar was watching TV but still in pyjamas and Carter was sitting on the floor playing with toys.

"Carter was crying so I woke up first but also because I was excited, I woke Skylar up because we have some news right?" Wilmer nodded with a smile on his face at his girlfriend, Carter was too young to understand so he sat on the floor as Demi sat on the couch while Wilmer turned off the TV.

"Hey! I wanted to watch that." Skylar pouted, looking at the now blank TV screen but Demi ignored her protest and sat her on her lap. Skylar didn't even look at her which made Demi frown but lift her chin up to face her, she hated when Skylar wasn't talking to her as it made her feel like a bad mother.

"We've got something to tell you, look at me Skylar!" Demi stern voice came out as her daughter tried to push her away which made Wilmer stop her with a warning look. Skylar looked at the two confused as only yesterday they wasn't on good terms but today they seems so much happier together which Skylar liked.

"Baby girl, I never meant to heart daddy and I've apologised to him but it's my time to apologise to you because I didn't realise it was hurting you whenever we had an argument. So I'm sorry princess, for upsetting you. We wanted to tell you that momma's been to the doctors before we found you and I found out that I'm pregnant, your going to be another sister." Demi tried to smile about it but Skylar's frown deepened and Demi could tell she already hated the news. She looked over to Demi's stomach which was starting to swell before pushing Demi away from her, Skylar took one look at Carter before running to Wilmer's arms instead.

"Hey, don't push you momma away! Skylar when you push her away your hurting her feelings, and I know that you don't like it which I knew you wouldn't but you'll have to accept it because we can't change anything." Wilmer kissed her head softly as he heard her silent sobs, he knew she'd hate it. It made her feel like she was being left out and that because she wasn't fully Demi's that Demi didn't love her and it made Demi feel horrible for it.

"Sky, I know you don't like it that I'm have another baby but I'm still your momma too. I'm all of your momma okay? It doesn't make you any different from Carter or this baby in my stomach, you mine baby girl but to make you officially mine I thought I could adopt you to make you permanently mine. How's that?" Demi was now on her knees in front of Skylar as Wilmer stroked her back for comfort. Skylar's head came out from Wilmer's chest and Demi seen the tears over her face and was heart broken at how her daughter thought she wasn't loved by her.

"L-Like by law? So I'll be y-yours and nobody can t-take me away." She took jagged breaths to try and get her breathing to a normal pace again while rubbing her tears away with her jumped she had on. Demi laughed slightly when Skylar jumped across to Demi's arms but she managed to catch her as she clutched no to her neck.

"I love you princess. Nobody's taking you away." Demi felt Skylar smile against her as she kissed her head while swaying gently back and forth to help calm Skylar. Wilmer sat staring at his two girls, grinning from ear to ear but Skylar lift her head up from Demi's shoulder to see her face while she asked a question.

"When will you sign the papers?" She asked eagerly, wanting Demi to do it already as she'd wished of that day for so long and Demi was now going go do it. Demi smiled while kissing her nose at how her daughter was back to hugging her again and not pushing her away.

"Uh, when we go home from here." Demi promised but Skylar shook her head, along with Wilmer who already had other plans. The smirk on his face clear as Demi looked over to him confused on what was going to happen, she suddenly remembered Wilmer's plan.

"Nope, it'll be sooner as we've got one last piece of news. When we come home from Disney land me and momma will be going off to an island that daddy bought. Auntie Marissa is going to stay over with you guys for a week but we need you to be on your best behaviour for Marissa okay?" Demi suddenly smiled as she remembered the island they hadn't been to in 6 years, Wilmer bought it when he was throwing cash back then and decided to buy an island for them both but they'd only been once.

"We're going back! Wait, we're leaving Sky and Carter? Wil, I'm not sure about leaving them." Demi stopped her smiling facade as a worried expression was now on her face but Skylar only shook her head along with Wilmer. Demi was too overprotective over them but it was only for a week so what bad could happen?

"Momma, I want you to go. Daddy said your stressed so going there with him will make it better right daddy? You should go! Auntie Marissa knows what she's doing, she watches us all the time." Wilmer nodded in agreement but Demi was still cautious about if something bad will happen when there gone. "Yeah, not for a week!" Demi exclaimed but Wilmer was by her side but she still held Skylar.

"Demi, the island was wi-fi. If something happens we will be back home in seconds but I doubt there will. Marissa can handle it, we can pay her back or do something nice go her. I promise, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think it was safe and it's only one week baby, I want you to relax." Demi hesitated looking to Skylar who was in her arms who gave her a firm nod in approval then over to Carter who was giggling on the floor at himself.

"Fine! A week away and if anything happens were coming right back home." Wilmer shouted 'finally' before high giving his daughter as Demi rolled her eyes at the two but before she had a chance Wilmer's lips was on hers in a passionate kiss making Skylar gag.

"Okay, now... Who's up for the water slides?" Marissa and Demi's family instantly barged in the room making Demi's mouth drop in shock at what everybody was doing tin Florida before her mom shouted,


I forgot about my family...

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