Chapter Three

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Rapunzel's POV

Cupid looked pretty sad. She started to float but that's all she did. Doves came flying to her. She started talking to them and they flew off. I saw Jack talking to Jamie about who knows what. Merida and Hiccup were just talking to the children. I was so lonely so I walked over to Cupid. "Cupid?" I said. "Yes?" she said and turned around. I was about to say something but then she said,"You are feeling lonely aren't you?". "How did you know?" I asked. She smiled, "I'm the guardian of feelings and love remember?" she said. I nodded. Just then it started to snow. "You wanna see something?" she asked. I nodded. She made two snowballs and blew on them, which made them turn pink. She gave one to me. "Who do you want me to throw it to?" she asked. "Why?" I asked

"These make people fall in love with each other" she told me. "Let's not throw at anyone ok?" I said. "Ok" she said with a smile. Just then a hole appeared. Bunny came out with a sack. Oh no, he's not gonna shove her into the sack is he? To late he already did and went back into the hole. The rest of just went through a portal to Santa's Workshop.

Cupid's POV

I was talking to Rapunzel, since she was lonely. I know how that feels. Should I tell them of what happened before? No they can't know I was in a fight with Pitch and my leg was almost completely gone. It would've ended it up like Hiccup's left foot. Then a hole appeared. Then I was shoved through a sack. "Hey let me out!" I screamed. There was no answer.

After minutes of being in a sack I hit something hard. I hit my head really hard. "Ow.." I said. "She's. here" I heard a voice say. Just then the bag started to open. To my instinct I turned invisible.

"Bunny nothing is in there" I heard someone say

I quickly climbed out making sure not be too noisy. I'm really quite that can't even know I'm in the room. Well when I climbed out I saw some yetis and elves working. I was still invisible so no one can see me. Just then I saw, oh man. Santa? The Easter Bunny? The Tooth Fairy? Sandman? What is going on? I've only seen them once in my whole life as a guardian. I bumped into Rapunzel and I fell backwards revealing myself to them. Shoot.

"There she is!" I heard Bunny say

They were starting to come towards me. I smiled and turned invisible again and walked away. "Where did she go?" I heard Tooth say.

"Remember Tooth, Cupid is as sneaky as can be." North told her

North knows me to well. Hmmm....maybe I can play around with them. I saw Toothless. That's it! I walked over to Toothless. He really likes me alot so allowed me to ride him. I noticed that Hiccup controls him with his prosthetic leg. Hmm...I turned my left leg into the one like Hiccup's. "Alright let's go!" I quietly tell Toothless. We start to fly and of course Hiccup is the first one to notice. "Toothless!" he shouts and of course he flies down to him. That's ok because I saw Jack's staff. I took his staff when he was not looking. "My staff!" he yelled. "What's going on" Merida asked. Gosh these guys are so fun! I finally gave Jack his staff back. I was laughing on the the floor. Who should I go for next? Merida or Rapunzel. Maybe Rapunzel because Merida would kill me if I did anything to her. What should I do to Rapunzel...I can't do anything, she might be sensitive. Maybe Bunny..., I thought of a plan for him since he shoved me in a sack.


Hey guys! I finally finished this chapter! I made this a fun chapter. The next chapter is still pretty fun. I'll get started on a new chapter tomorrow. Bye!

Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons-The Unknown GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now