Chapter 8 : As Mad as a Hatter

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~ A few days after Jefferson attacked Emma and Mary Margaret ~

Lisa was calmly walking in the streets when Jefferson appeared in front of her. She turned around right away "Lisa, hold on" he called out to her, which she completely ignored "Hey, wait" he said once more before coming in front of her once again "What" Lisa said in a menacing tone "What's wrong ?" he innocently asked "You know what's wrong, now go away" she said, going around him then turning to an alley "Lisa" he called out for her once again then she stopped and turned around to face him "Emma told me. She told me everything. About how you faked your wound, how you drugged her, kidnapped Mary Margaret to threaten her and at the end pointing a GUN at them ?! What is wrong with you !" she exclaimed "I'm sorry but I had to. It was the only way to make her believe-" "Believe what ? About your sad story where you lost your daughter which happens to be Paige, your neighbour's daughter, because of the 'curse' Regina made ? And where everyone except for you forgot everything and you made Emma sit there and make a hat with magic ?!" "Not my story, I wanted her to wake up. To believe in magic, to believe in herself. Imagine what would happen if she believed ? The curse would be broken and she would've freed everyone in this town including you !" Jefferson explained at which Lisa huffed "Including me ? So, you're telling me that I am also part of that silly fairytale ? Yeah, right" she said and ran away, making sure he wouldn't follow. 

When she arrived to her apartment, she sighed, relieved that she lost him "Lisa" she heard from behind, he was standing right in front of the door "How did you find me ?!" she was shocked and terrified of her stalker "(Y/N) please, you need to calm down" he said calmly "(Y/N ?!" she exclaimed once again when he approached her and she hit the wall, having nowhere to go. He pressed her against the wall with his body, making sure she couldn't move, one hand holding her tiny wrists and the other reaching out to hold her jaw "What are you doing, let me go !" she screamed, being unable to defend herself "You need to calm down" he said quietly, opening her mouth using his other hand then making her swallow a pill and releasing her "what...what did you do..." she whispered before passing out.

~ At Jefferson's Mansion ~

Lisa woke up with a pain in her head and her vision was blurry. Once her vision normal, she saw tons of hats around her, a sewing kit and a lot of pairs of different sized scissors. To her luck, she wasn't tied up so she could stand up and explore her surroundings. She saw a telescope at the window, the curious being she is, she decided to take a look at what he has been looking at. What she saw through the telescope shocked her, he was spying on Paige who lived next door. That's when she heard the door open. She turned around to see Jefferson come in "You're finally awake. I'm sorry about earlier, I just needed for you to calm down-" "Where am I..." she asked in a cold tone "You're in my house, as you can see looking through the telescope..." he said. He approached her but she backed away, fear and anger taking over her body "Why am I here, what do you want from me" she demanded answers "I just wanted to clear everything out" he said as she sat down "I'm listening" Lisa said once again with a cold tone. Jefferson sat down as well and breathed heavily "Your name is not Lisa, it's actually (Y/N). You lived as a not poor but not very rich person back in the Enchanted Forest. We met in the woods, you helped me with my wound and our poor situation with Grace. The Evil Queen or Regina trapped me in Wonderland, being the reason why I never came back" he explained "Are you listening to what you're saying ? You're insane !" she said in disbelief "It's true, you have to believe me, you are the only person I have" he said when she huffed and got out the room. He followed her to the hallway "(Y/N) please" Jefferson said when she stopped, turned around and slapped him hard enough to leave his cheek red with a mark. He was shocked, holding his cheek, speechless "You're as mad as a hatter" Lisa said in a selfish tone then left. Jefferson was left alone in the middle of the hallway, he dropped to his knees, head down in defeat, tears of pure sadness pouring down his face, his heart broken into million pieces. The only person caring about him had just left his life forever, not wanting to see him, hating him, which completed his loneliness.

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