Chapter 11

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And the fight began. There were wolves growling everywhere. And blood was being spiller very quickly.

As soon as the fight started a bunch of rogues targeted me and I just thought "eh why not, let's burn them" and that's exactly what I done I set them all on fire and made sure that there was no way of putting the fire out. And after I done that to a few rogues they stopped going near me, which gives me the advantage.

I used my magic to create a sword and sliced many heads. At one point there was a rogue that wasn't giving up without a fight and charged at me.

I dodged the rogue and cut its side. It wimped in pain but got back up growling and snarling it's teeth at me.

It brought up its claw and cut the side of my face but whilst it was giving me a badass scar I made sure it couldn't use that paw ever again. Meaning I cut it paw off, simple.

The rogue still wasn't giving up. It just walked off the pain and jumped at me and in goes the sword to the stomach!!! When the rogue landed on the ground it took its last breath and I went to help my pack.

"ROD!!!" I shouted as I seen his wolf getting attacked by 5 rogues.

I went charging at them changing my weapon to a gun, because that will make it easier. And shot the rogues but one escaped and I knew a bullet wouldn't be able to catch it so I brought out a bow 'n' arrow and shot it with a flaming arrow with a bit of wolfsbane on the point.

As soon as the arrow hit it, it's body went completely limp. And died.

"Rod don't you dare scare me like that again. And next time you go against two rogues by yourself not five and over" I said sternly

"Normally it's meant to be me that says that" he replied in the mind-link

"Well not this time. I'm the one with magic remember? Now come on we got a war to win"

He nodded in agreement and we went off fighting for our pack. We both fought the rogues together like true pack leaders. It was so awesome.

"There's only one rogue left." I said and walked to Jidon.

"Give up?" I asked him

"Never" he said weakly

"Fine, your choice" I said as I brought out a sais and stabbed him in the heart "if you don't give up, I guess you're just dead. Oh wait you already are" and I seen the light leave his eyes forever.

"Now what?" Billy said

"We clean up this mess, I don't want to wake up with skeletons everywhere and get anyone injured to the pack hospital" I said

"Yes Luna" I heard some pack members say as I was walking back over to Rod.

"You done good" he said

"So did you, but I had to save your ass a few times" I said as he chuckled

"Yeah, maybe I need a bit more training"

"A bit? You need a lot more training" I said laughing at his reaction "but don't worry I'll teach you everything I got and you can then teach the pack along with me" I said smiling up at him.

"You think there's going to be another war?" He asked

"Probably, but no matter what we will stick together like yin and yang" I said and we walked back to the pack house.

~5 years later~

"Nira!!! Get back here you little rascal!!" I said laughing as my 5 year old daughter was running away from me.

"No!! I don't want to go outside!! I want to stay inside and read!!" She said laughing at me

"You can't read all day dear, you have to go outside it's good for you"

"But I don't wanna" she said stomping her foot on the ground.

Well this is my life now, me and Rod got married after the war and we later on had a little girl and I'm expecting another. I'm hoping it's a boy, last time we asked to know the gender but this time we decided to keep it a surprise.

"What's going on here?" Rod said

"Oh you know our daughter not wanting to go outside again" I said

"Nira. You have to go outside it's good for you. You can't stay inside and read for the rest of your life" Rod said

"Yes I can!!" Nira said

Rod sighed and said "I'll get you ice cream if you go outside"

Her face lit up and said "ice cream!! Ice cream!! Come on mommy!! Let's go outside!!!"

She tried to pull me outside but I grabbed her and sat her on my hip.

"You have such a soft spot for our daughter you know that Rod?" I said

"I have a soft spot for the both of you, now come on let's invite Bill, John, Tracy, Mark, Tricy and Cal to the park with us" he replied

And yes, Tracy and Tricy found their mates, they found them after the war. Tracy is mates with Mark and Tricy is mates with Cal. A lot has happened since the war.

Bill and John even adopted a little boy about 2 years after the war. His name is Nicko and he's so adorable! He's only 3 of course so it makes him even more adorable.

Tricy right now is also pregnant and Cal is having a hard time dealing with her hormones, but he's getting along fine with it as long as he doesn't make her cry or angry, he's good.

Tracy got pregnant and had twins, one boy and one girl. The boys name is Rafel and the girls name is Mona. They are both adorable and I can tell that Rafel is going to be over protective of his twin sister.

Me and Rod have been getting along fine with Nira, it's just getting her outside is the trouble, I started reading her bedtime stories and she started to get really interested in books. So now she is a five year old book worm.

That's my life now. And I love it.

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