Chapter 6

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"Kora, Kora honey, you need to wake up" my mum said

"What? Why do I need to wake up?"

"Just wake up and eat as much food as you can, your powers are coming and they will take up most of your strength, so you need to wake up and eat as much as possible"

"Ok I'll wake up and eat as much as I can"

"Good girl, wake up"

I jolted awake from my dream. I need to eat and eat and eat. Ok I'll make a to-do list

1. Eat
2. Eat
3. Eat
4. Eat
5. Eat

Time to do the first thing on my list eat.

I looked next to me to see Rod fast asleep "Rod" I said

He stirred in his sleep and grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Rod!" I shouted

"Go back to sleep" he mumbled

I looked at the time and seen it was 9 am, oh no Rod has to get to a meeting in an hour!!

"ROD!!" I shouted louder

He jolted awake and put me behind him

"What is it?! Are you ok? Did you get hurt?"

"No Rod I'm fine! Although you won't be if you don't get dressed!!"

"How?" He asked

"It's 9 Rod you've got a meeting with the elders at 10!!"

"Oh crap!!" He jumped out of bed and ran to the shower, then he came out asking "hey wanna-"

"No! Go shower!!!!" I shouted

"Alright, jeez woman"

"Alright, jeez woman" I said mocking him in a deep voice like a guy

"Heard that!!!"

"You were meant to!!" I went into our walk in closet and picked out an outfit for today, a green top with black jeans.

I walked downstairs to see that everyone was still asleep. Oh well might as well make some pancakes.

I got the ingredients for my special pancakes and done the usual and put some bacon of the frying pan to cook and then I poured the pancake mix over each bit of bacon, it may sound weird but tastes great. Trust me.

After making the pancakes I shouted "BREAKFAST!!!!!!" And heard a pair of footsteps running down the stairs

"Did I hear breakfast?" Bill said

"Yes, yes you did and it's pancakes"

"Oh! Pancakes!! Is it your special ones?"

"What do you think?"

"I'll take that as a yes"he said and walked over to get a plate and put on five pancakes. Good thing I made a lot of pancakes.

"Did I hear the words 'special pancakes'?" Tracy asked

"Yes, there're there" I pointed to the pancakes

"Yes!! Food!! And not just any food!!! PANCAKES!!!!" Tracy shouted

And then came running down the rest including Rod who finally was ready for the meeting

"Took you long enough" I said to him

"Well I would of taken longer but then I heard the words 'breakfast', 'food' and 'pancakes' so I then started rushing to get down here" he said smiling

"Boys and food I will always understand it"

"Don't you mean you'll never understand it?" John asked

"No. I understand a boys hunger, mainly because I lived with Tracy and Billy nearly my whole life and I have the same amount of hunger, if that makes sense"

"Yeah I guess it does"


"So what are you planning to do today Kor?" Tristy asked

"I'm gonna eat all day and have a movie marathon"

"Why are you gonna eat all day?" Rod asked "wait are you pregnant?" He asked smiling

"No I'm not pregnant, I'm just gonna eat and eat so that I'll have my strength for when my powers kick in"

"But they aren't meant to come until Halloween. It's only August" Billy said

"I know, but I had a dream, with my mom visiting me and she said my powers are coming, so they could come any minute now"

"Wow, you must be powerful if you're getting your powers early" John said amazed

"Hm... Guess I must be since I'm 1. Getting my powers early and 2. The council is after me"

"What do you mean the council is after you?"

"Well you see when I didn't meet Rod we lived in America and a council member came to our house pretending to be my uncle but I seen through his lies and killed him" I said sipping my tea

"Wow, you've been through rough"

"I know, but it's easy to get over" I said shrugging




I've been eating all day nonstop and the kitchen is nearly empty and being the lazy person I am asked some pack members if they could go to the nearest supermarket and get more food and they gladly said yes. Ah the perks of being a Luna.

Anyway I'v been eating and having a movie marathon and the movies I have been watching are the Harry Potter series and also the avengers, iron man, Thor, world war z etc.

It's fun having a movie marathon if you've never had one then you should have a movie marathon as soon as possible!!!

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain coming from my arm.

"Ow! Damn that hurts!! Oh sugar... Powers"

'Rod, powers, pain, come please!' I said to Rod through the mind-link

'Your powers?! They're coming?! I'm on my way!!' He shouted back

And then I felt another sharp pain but in my other arm and now legs and chest and- oh gosh it hurts!! It's worse than a girl on her time of the month!! Although of course it is I mean I'm getting powers that are most likely really powerful and I'm getting them early.

"Ow!!!" I shouted louder

"Kora!! Are you ok?!" Rod said rushing to me

"No I'm not ok!! It's hurts more than when I first shifted!!!"

"Crap, just take deep breaths"

"Since when was I pregnant? That's what the guy normally says to the girl that going through labour!!"

"I know but I'm just saying it to see if it helps"

"I've tried breathing deeply, it doesn't work very well. SOMEONE GET THE PACK DOCTOR!!!!!"

"I'm here!" The pack doctor said walking to me "ok so just try and stay calm, you're only getting your powers the pain will last for one more minute ok?"

"Ok, you know what you're right I'm feeling less pain kno- oh!! Never mind even more pain now!!!! Fudge nuggets!!! Why did I have to jinx it?!"

After a few minutes of dealing with the pain it finally went away

"Thank god!!! No more pain!!!"

"How do you feel?" The doctor asked

"Much better and a little tired and I also feel WAY more powerful than I used to feel. Must be the powers" I said yawning afterwards

"Come on Kor let's take you to bed" Rod said picking me up bridal style.

Once we arrived at our room Rod put me down and lay down next to me, holding me tight

"Good night princess" he whispered before I went into a dreamless sleep

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