Luke Gets a Pet P.t1 :cake:

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Luke: hey

Calum: hey I've missed you so much

Luke: I know I've missed you too

Calum: you've been in Antarctica for almost a month in a half

Luke: yes I know I'm on my way home now

Calum: REALLY!!!!

Luke: yes really

Calum: oh my gersh I'm so excited

Luke: yeah me too......

Calum: Luke what's wrong


Calum: well something is

Luke: well it's just...

Calum: it's just what


Calum: this is getting annoying already just tell me

Luke: ok well..... I got a new pet

Calum: well that's not bad why were you hiding it from me

Luke: well....

Calum: what kind of pet did you get

Luke: well that's the thing

Luke: it's not that kind of pet

Calum: what do you mean

Luke: I mean it's more of a wild animal but it's tamed.


Calum: please tell me you didn't get a monkey

Luke: where would I get a monkey in Antarctica?!?!

Calum: Luke!!!!!

Luke: Calum!!!!!!

Calum: what animal is it

Luke: my favourite kind

Calum: no you didn't

Luke: yep

Luke: I got a penguin

Calum: how in the world are you going to take care of a penguin. They live in Antarctica for a REASON!!!!!!

Luke: yes I know that

Calum: then why did you get one

Luke: well because I like penguins and I thought it would be cool to have one

Luke: besides on mr. Popper penguins he took care of a tone of penguins

Calum: Luke that's on movies

Luke: so I can turn my room into an igloo for my penguin

Calum: oh my gosh Luke

Luke: it would be so much fun I could have a little igloo and ice slides and we could slide on our stomachs on the floor

Calum: it does sound really fun it's just not a good idea

Luke: and why isn't it a good idea

Calum: because sooner or later your going to have to get rid of it. Then all of the ice is going to melt then our house would be flooded with water

Luke: well so it would all be worth it

Calum: Luke I'm not letting you keep it

Luke: well it's to late anyway because I'm not in Antarctica any more

Calum: well it's not coming in the house

Luke: well fine then I will get mine own house then and me and Luke jr. Won't even miss u

Calum: well okay eventually you'll come crawling back

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days I've been a little busy but I hope you had a merry Christmas and a happy new year

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