1. ❝ i - uh - um ❞

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Song of the chapter: back against the wall // cage the elephant

It was wonderful how fate brought two people together, us humans we are stardust. As Lawrence M. Krauss once said, every atom of our bodies are made out of a star that had exploded. like your penis, probably came from a different star than your right hand - wait I don't think that's right - I'm trying to be poetic here. anyways it was the same message. (I think?) But fate was not doing a good job today.

Because I was now sitting across the biggest asshole in my school. Carson Jurgens. I was considering the theory he was lost or some shit - because he lived no where around my neighborhood. It's 10:00pm on the Thursday before school (the-last-fucking-thursday-before-summer-break-ends), I'm pretty sure an a dick like him had to be sleeping in some girls bed by now.

"why are you here." I half-asked, when really I did not want to know why Carson was here. I would much rather him get the hell out.

"where's Metias?" he asked. Ah yes, I should've known. He's here for my brother. But what confused me was why he came to my house, rather than hanging out at a pizzeria or where ever jocks on steroids hang out.

A few minutes later the doorbell rings. I raise my hand to motion that I'd get to the door. I open the door and see that it's Metias. "Carsons here." he looks confused until he walks into the living room and his mouth forms into an 'O' shape. He sees I wasn't lying.

I give them a wave, "well, bye! I'm going to go hang out with Silas and Ling-Ling." I announce. Carson waves and Metias is still not speaking of me. Which I don't understand because I did take over his shift at the café last night.

I left my house and called up Ling Ling.

"yo, we're going to Silas's pick me up."

"why do I have to pick you up can't you use your car!?" he replies.

"can't - mom's on a date with Steven - they took the car." Steven was my mother's boy toy. She's been dating on and off ever since our father left us when me and Metias were ten years old. She'll probably break up with him tomorrow. That was the problem with my family. Commitment was an issue.

He groans and says he'll be there. A few minutes pass I'm sitting on the front steps of our apartment. Ling-Ling pulls up in his cherry red ford and honks. "stop honking or I'll punch your dick." I shout.

He opens the car door for me and I sit shotgun. He puts on music and I cringe at his selection. He put on Britney Spears and one her most popular songs, 'Toxic'. Which coincidently my brother also loved to sing along to in the shower, causing me to have the lyrics implanted in my brain.

"baby can't you see, I'm calling . . ." Ling-Ling starts.

"oh no - please st- "


This was horrendous. And I accidentally made eye contact with a passenger on another car. She had he eyebrows furrowed her face practically screamed 'what the flying fuck?!'

I sat through ten whole minutes of Ling-Ling blasting and singing britney spears. Thank god its finally over and we're at the front steps of Silas's house. I ring the doorbell. I've known Silas since middle school, he used to listen to emo music which he now calls 'alternative' and wears skinny jeans.

The person who opened the door was not Silas. It was a girl, a very attractive girl. I adjust my glasses. "uhhh, where's Silas?" Ling-Ling asks.

"he went to get Taco bell twenty minutes ago, you guys can stay and wait for him." she smiles.

I look at Ling-Ling, he keeps blinking. And he nods. She opens the door to let us in and we follow her into the living room. We sit on the brown leather couch not speaking to each other. It was awkward. And then ling-ling had the bigger dick out of us too and spoke up.

He clears his throat. "I - um - uh - am Lin-, Kennedy and this is uh Ben" he stammers. I should've talked.

"and, I - am - uh - um, Avalon Greene, Silas's cousin I just moved in with his family." she mocks Ling-ling.

He laughs. "So does your friend like talk?"

She stares at me. "it's not you its his social anxiety." He says.

I glare at him. The awkwardness doesn't leave the room - well not for me. Ling-ling and Avalon are talking about how she moved in with Silas because her mother is a designer in paris of some bullshit like that. She also mentioned that she's going to be going to our school.

I feel like I am constantly waiting for someone. First, I waited for my father to come back from 'the store,' then I waited for Metias to come home. After that I waited for Ling-Ling to come pick me up. And now I'm waiting for Silas to bring taco bell.

A few minutes of me being on my phone, he was finally here. The doorbell rang and I offered to get it, anything to get way from this conversation about cows I almost got dragged into. Silas spots ling-ling and Avalon on the couch. He gives her the paper bag with her smoothie and taco inside.

"well, nice meeting you Avalon, but me Silas and Ben are needing to leave." ling-ling says.

"wait Silas, you're just going to leave me here on the first night here, when your parents are at a theater." avalon says

"yeah pretty much." I say. She looks at me as she expected me to never speak. Silas sighs. He says that she can come along too she claps her hands in enthusiasm. I roll my eyes, I did not want her here.

How would you feel If you and your friend owned this secret planet, but just because some whiney alien didn' want to stay on their planet they want to come to yours? I owned this planet, this was my territory.

We left the house as soon as Avalon got ready (it took her 45 minutes, yet she didn't even know where we were going.) It was 11:37pm. We were taking Ling-Ling's car I had to sit in the passengers seat when I specifically said I wanted to sit at front. I was seated next to avalon.

"soooooo. . . where are we going?" she attempted to make conversation. I wanted to say shut up--


Shit, I accidentally said that outloud. I looked out the window. "I hope you know this is the first gunshot of a war."I roll my eyes.


yeAh, i know this is choppy afff,,,,, but it will get better fam bare with me. i already like have writen 9 chapters ill update every Tuesday i guess. but anyways comment & vote if u want to k bye

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