Chapter 1 - When there was happiness

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*wow this chapter seemed to take forever to finish. I do my writing on my phone, there's no spell check, so please excuse any mistakes. Hope you enjoy! *Comment*Vote*Follow*

4 year's ago.

Like most 18 year olds, I hate getting out of my warm snuggly bed. But today I had to get up early to help my best friend Macey get ready for her mating ceremony. She was so lucky to find her mate so young! She just turned 17 and has an awesome mate. He's tall dark and handsome, yep, he's perfect. I'm not jealous at all I love them both like a sister and brother. I just hope my mate will be as kind and loving as Brandon is to Macey.

Rolling over in my bed, deciding I really should get up now. I'v been hitting snooze on my phone for far too long. Only to find my legs are tangled up in my sheets and I end up falling face first towards my bedroom floor.

Luckily I'm used to this and my extra soft and almost bouncy bright pink rug softens my landing. I put the rug there last year, and so far it's saved me many painful mornings.

"stupid covers, trying to break my face again" I exclaim.

I hear my wolf in my head sniggering to herself.

Unluckily for me I dont seem to share my wolfs agility, I'm so clumsy people aren't really sure that I'm a werewolf! That pisses my wolf off, so she shows her self to the unbeliever's and they soon run off with their tails between their legs, literally.

I jump up and practically run to my bathroom. I'm running late, Macey will kill me if I dont get there in time to save her from Susan, Brandon's mom, trying to help her by doing her make up and hair. She's a lovely lady, but has zero taste in fashion and all things hair and beauty. Poor Macey would end up going to her own mating ceremony looking like a clown on loopy pills.

Not that Brandon would mind, he'd love her no matter what she looked like.

After using the facilities and brushing my teeth, I swiftly strip off and jump into the shower. I really should have got the water to the right temperature first, it's freezing! The things you'll go through for your best friend.

I lather up my sleek golden blond hair with my favourite shampoo followed by my fruity conditioner. After rincing my hair out, I scrub myself all over and jump out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body and one on my hair. Running back into my room, I head to my closet and grab some black short shorts and a purple tank top and pick up my underwear from my dresser as I make my way back into the bathroom.

Dressing in record time I turn my attention to my hair, using my hair dryer and brush I get it looking half decent, I set my fingers to work and not a minute later I'm sporting a lovely french plait that begins at the front and sweeps all the way round, gently resting over one of my shoulders going down to my waist.
That done I put on my make up, as a werewolf I'm naturally good looking, no I'm not being a bitch, all us werewolves are good looking. It's just a fact.

So I go for the natural look, light gold eyeshadow, to show off my blue eyes, a bit of mascara finishing with some cherry red stay on lipgloss.

Then I race out of my room, only to return a second later for my black sandals, my dress for the ceremony and of course matching shoes.

Within 15 minuits of getting out of bed I'm in my mom's car speeding our way towards Macey's house. Thank the Goddess for werewolf speed.

"You look beautiful sweety" my mom says to me with a huge smile on her face, lighting up her hazel eyes.

"thanks mom, you too. I love your dress!" it was a lovely soft pink summer dress, that suited her soft brown hair and light complexion.

I love my mom so much, she's always supported me in whatever choices I'v made, right or wrong. And always made me feel like the most loved girl in the world.

The Alphas bitch. (Editing) #Warning sexual content#Where stories live. Discover now