Chapter 2 - Waking up

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**Thank you to everyone who's reading. I know that I started this story 3 years ago, but I am ready to edit and carry on with Tasha's story (finaly hey!) After seeing how many readers I had and all the support for the story  that I have, I owed it to you to finish this story!
Please vote and comment if your enjoying the story so far!

Anyways enjoy the chapter, and as always *comment*vote*follow*! <3**

Clean sheets. With my eyes closed tight to the world, that's the first thing I notice when waking up. The smell filling my nose, it's just one of those things that makes you happy isn't it? that fresh bed feeling, I always sleep better when my bed's been freshly changed.

Stretching out to help me wake up, pain shoots through my body in several places. Making me gasp in shock and curl back up into the fetal position and clench my jaw tightly. What the hell? The pain in my side just tip's the balance, that is definately the worst. My leg and my shoulder hurt like a bitch too.

Cracking my eyes open, I'm hit with brightness, making me scrunch my eyes closed again.

What time is it?

I smell the air and I'm hit with only unfamiliar scents. Suddenly on edge I quickly realise this isn't my bed, these aren't my clean sheets. This is not my room, and it certainly isn't my house. So where the hell am I? And holy shit, why am I naked?

All these questions whipped through my mind in an instant. My heart beat going from it's steady rate to almost crashing through my rib cage.

I open my eyes again, fighting the brightness. As things slowly start to come into focus. Grabbing the sheet that is covering me, I swing my legs around to the edge of the bed. Which as it turns out is just a matress on the floor. I ungracefully heave myself into a sitting position, wincing at the pain this small action caused.

The room is small, just big enough for the matress. The wallpaper is starting to peel in areas, and looks like it has damp patches on it. There's a square window on the opposite wall, which is where the light is shinning in from.

Behind me, there is a door. My first instinct is to head out of here and find out where I am. Only just before I get up to investigate, I hear noises. I try to listen to the sounds, there are voices but they are too far away for me to hear, even with my werewolf hearing.

Then silence. A few minutes of eerie quietness surrounds me, goose bumps rising on my arm's. Then I hear a door being closed loudly, feet marching up creaking stairs, setting out a quick beat.

The feet must reach a landing, and they seem to be approaching the door behind me. What should I do? hide? but there's only this matress in the room, and it would take me a while to hollow out enough room for me to hide in it. Maybe I should pretend that I'm still sleeping. Maybe even try out my mental invisibility cloak? except uptil now, it's not worked so well. Running out of time, I silently lie back down, causing hot pain to explode in my side, and decide to try out my fake sleep face.

The feet stop their march. Right outside my door. I hear the handle twisting in this person's hand. The door flies open thumping into the wall, my nose is filled with a very pleasent scent. Pine and fresh water. It's a very refreshing kind of scent. It remind's me of a stream running through a forest. And that's something very appealing to a wolf. It almost has my mouth watering.

Keeping my breathing heavy and in a slow rhythm, I listen to the mans movements. Yes it's a man, with that kind of scent it cant be a woman. He stomps his way into the room, closing the door loudly behind him. Jeesh, stealth isn't one of his strong points.

He approaches the bed, and I feel a dip in the matress by my legs.

Ok, Tasha, just keep breathing.

The Alphas bitch. (Editing) #Warning sexual content#Where stories live. Discover now