Chapter 14

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We landed in sc and all I could think about is my brother I walked in the house his house as soon as I look in a moral of me and him on the wall and a quote under "best sister ever" I wanted to cry so hard buh my mom walked in the room hey baby she said trying to look as happy as she could I said hi in a hurt voice as she hugged me "look baby" she began to talk "in these moments your heart hurts a lot I know he was your favorite brother yes I know but you can't let this get to you he was like the boy figure in our family y'all were super close when we moved both y'all cried y'all didn't wanna leave Eachother you wanted him to come and he promised when he was done working I promised I wouldn't tell you buh now I have to he was planning to go home as a surprise to you but unfortunately he couldn't I'm sorry this hurts so much but you have to stay strong I know Derek would've told you to stay strong I know he would've he would've told all of us this if he could've but look at Wat he did" she pointed to the moral "he did this before he left he knew it was his time and he left you a special thing to appreciate you and your memories together" she said kissing my cheek as my sister came in "hey babe" she came in and kissed my forehead "how are you doing" she asked "I-i just don't know I wanted to stay here you know I didn't wanna leave and now I know why I didn't in the first place" I said as my voice began to crack "ugh" I said sitting down I front of the moral on the wall "our favorite picture we took together" I smiled a strong smile "Derek ugh why did you have to go before I could hug you one last time" I said putting my head down as Kevin came down stairs I looked up and seen the moral again

Flash back
my brothers laugh boomed loud in the back of my head "okay okay romiti stop okay romi romi I swear YEO okay I'll say it I love you too lil sis damn" a tear began coming down my face "damn romi you act like you don't know I love you your my favorite sister" his laugh mimicking my head "romi Wat do you think about a picture" "Wat do you mean" "a moral like on a wall look come" he said running down stairs "right here you know that picture of us our favorite picture right here like this whole wall" "that would be dope like fire" I said causing us to laugh his laugh once again mimicking in the back round

End of flashback
Derek Derek Derek Derek Derek Derek Derek Derek why did you leave why did you leave with out me why didn't you take me with you we always promised not to leave Eachother buh we broke that promise mom made me leave if I wouldn't of gone back to New York with her you would've still have been here you would've been next to me looking at this moral we planned before I left before we left Eachother but why why why why why atleast you did Wat you always wanted to do with your life and that's Wat matters Wat matters thru this all is you got experience the life you wanted before you left except the parts with me in them buh all of this happens for a reason right
I thought a deep thought
'I love you romiti I have to get back to work now buh I promise I'll see you soon I promise'
'It's fine Derek just go'
'Don't be like that o promise I'll go see you soon and I won't work during that time I love you and imma convince mom to let you come back with me'
'Ight I love you'
'I love you too' he said as he smiled and his manager  screamed at him for taking so long to get back in the studio
'Aye man chill'
'I don't have time for you to be talking to your hoes'
'Nigga that's my sister' he said as he pushed his manager  defending me
'Nigga your fired get out my house' my brother screamed talking to his manager
'Ight I have to go romi I love you I promise I'll go see you soon' he said as he hung up the FaceTime call

End of flashback

'I love you romi' mimicked my head again as I got up and walked out the house and went to my brothers garage and got his dog "hey baby how are you" I said as he came running to me jumping all over me and licking me I grabbed his Leash and pinned it to his collar as we walked out the gate to go for a walk
"Wassup flacko how are you guess you heard the news huh" I said as we sat down on the side walk to get some rest he looked at me with hurt eyes as soon that came out my mouth guess he heard my voice break down "Derek's gone" I said as a tear came down my face and he whined and licked my face causing me to laugh and he continued "flacko flacko stop it boi flacko " I screamed in a laughing tone "Come on its getting late we have to go back"
I said getting up as so did he we walked back as soon as we walked in the house my mom and everyone were worried
"Where were you do you know how worried I was" all of them said
"I-i was just walking flacko" I said as flacko stood next to me
"Take him To the garage and go to bed we have to get up early tomorrow" my mother said
"Flacko doesn't sleep in the garage ma"
"He is now" she repeated and I flipped at the word
"You know Wat no he's not he's the only thing I have left your not taking him from me now I've already lost so much okay flacko stays inside he always has he always will damn I don't mean to be so rude but first it's you leaving and coming here not telling me why and me having to lie then me getting in a fight with Kevin then me losing Derek then you trying to take away flacks no play no thanks Derek left me a lot of thing buh the only thing he actually left me with love is flacko I could care less bout money I could care less bout designer diamonds and other things Derek wouldn't let flacko sleep on the garage so neither am I okay flacko come on let's go" I said taking flacko upstairs "don't give me attitude" she said and my sister stepped in "mom you need to chill flacko and her were waking she was trying to distract herself okay you can't get mad don't you rather her do that then cry and get depressed she's your child too even tho your hurting so am I okay buh if this would've happened to me Derek would've put her before himself too okay this is Wat I'm doing I'm putting her before me cause I love her and flacko is the only thing she wants right now probably the only thing she has closest to Derek right now you need to chill" she said walking up the stairs following me "ugh I hate my life I swear  why not me why Derek" "chill mama " she said walking in my room after me "flacko bed now and I am it's just like why" I responded "Wat happened with Kevin" she asked "we're good now so yea buh before you called to tell me cause mom probably wouldn't of buh we went to the mall and I saw Marcos at shoe palace and we were talking kev thought we were flirting buh we weren't and we had an argument buh we got threw it that's all" "why would Kevin care if you were tho" she asked looking confused "we're together" I said as she looked shocked "and I didn't know cause" she said "cause I was planning to tell Derek and get his approval first before telling everyone including mom"
"He would've went wild and flew over there a quick as he could've just to talk to Kevin bout not breaking your heart" she said giggling
"I know he would've been down there as soon as I said I have a boy"I said laughing
"Well imma go to sleep" she said standing up as Kevin came in the room
"Okay" I responded
"Kev I know so I will brake your face okay" she said smiling as I giggled and he backed away slowly and smiled "okay" he said walking to me and kissing my lips as she walked out

This ode long buhh just saying I got lowkey tearing while writing this chapter I didn't check for mistakes buhh before I published this I'm just gonna say ...........
R.i.p Derek
Yes Derek is a real person in my life no this isn't fully bout him

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