|On the 4th Day of Christmas Santa Gave to Me... 4 New Memories|

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|On the 4th Day of Christmas Santa Gave to Me... 4 New Memories|


After yesterday's incident, Louis decided he and Harry should have a day in.

His sisters are off at school for the day and his parents had work so that left them with free reign over the house. They settled in on the couch and Louis let Harry pick a movie. Harry went with It's a Wonderful Life, declaring it was a Christmas classic. Louis grabbed them a blanket and they lay it over themselves, leaving quite a bit of space between them when the movie starts.

Halfway through the movie, when George and Mary are at their honeymoon, Louis has his head on Harry's shoulder, hands playing with his fingers. He doesn't know how they ended up there; all he knows is that with every passing memory in the movie, they found themselves inching closer until they were in their current position.

It's rather intimate and Louis wishes it were real. He wishes Harry was his boyfriend and this was just them as a couple just enjoying a movie. He buries his head further into Harry's neck. He intertwines their hands, closing his eyes and imagines that it was that way. Harry's grip tightening on his hand isn't helping.

When the movie comes to a close, after Clarence has gotten his wings, he looks up at Harry. He has a huge smile on his face and eyes are slightly misty.

"How many times have you seen this movie?"

"I've been watching since the day I was born so... 19."

"Don't you get tired of it?" Louis asks. He knows he himself can't stand watching a movie more than three times. It gets tedious after a bit, watching the same plot line over and over again.

"When I was younger, I did. I would tell my parents it was stupid and old and I could care less about watching it every year. But now that I'm older, it's grown on me. It's like a Christmas tradition at my house. It reminds me of home."

"Do you miss your family?" Louis knows he's being somewhat nosy, but he can't help it. He's spent three days with Harry and he has yet to learn more about him. He decides that today will be the day he gets to know him.

"Very much so. Especially my sister. Christmas was our favorite time of year. Gemma and I would stay up and wait for Santa Claus. We'd tell silly stories about how his elves would run around hurriedly putting down the present while Santa would eat the cookies. We would squeal when we thought we heard the reindeers' hooves. We'd giggle into the night or rather midnight. We never made it past that when we were younger."

"As we grew older and realized that there wasn't actually a Santa Claus, we'd still keep the tradition going. We'd stay up until the early rays of light shone through the window. We'd spend the time telling stories about school and crushes and just about our opinions on life. It was nice and comfortable and we got closer because of it." There's a beautiful glint in his eyes now and Louis finds him even more beautiful. He smiles up at him, suddenly giddy and bubbly from that story.

"I remember when I was younger, Lottie and Fizzy and I would stay up waiting too. We'd put on Christmas movies, telling ourselves it would help us stay awake. Halfway through the second movie, we would always start closing our eyes and it was useless really, but we kept trying to talk through the tiredness. Eventually we'd drift off and wake up with a tree full of presents. Even in high school we kept it going, more for the twins' sake. It was nice and it was a great way to chat about life."

"I remember one year, we tried to get our parent to stay up with is. Gemma was the most persistent, telling them they would all have a great laugh. Eventually they gave in and we spent a long while playing board games and just enjoying each other's company. I miss times like that now that I'm away at university." Harry sighs.

"I get what you mean. I miss having the girls around. Yeah they sure screamed and whined a lot, but it was nice having that constant stream of background noise. It gets a bit lonely without it. I also miss being able to talk to my sisters about anything. They would come to me with all their problems asking for advice, they still do, but it's different now that they see me as more of an adult. I'm not their silly brother anymore. I'm the stuck up grown up one, at least I think that's how Lottie put it." Louis states.

"Don't worry about it Lou, they'll come around. They might be like that now, but what about when they want to learn to drive or rather have you take them shopping because your mum doesn't understand their style. You'll always be their loving brother who they adore and cherish because you always been there for them."

"I'm sure Gemma feels the same way about you. She loves you for being there to talk her problems out or when she's just frustrated with life. She depended on you to have her back just like you depend on her to have yours. It's crazy how a strong a family can be if you love each other." Louis says in wonder. Talking about family is making him feel warm and discussing it with Harry makes him feel... something.

It makes him feel like they could potentially get together for real and talk more about it, all the silly stories of when they grew up and how awkward they were in high school. They'll talk forever, getting to know each other for the rest of their lives and it makes Louis feel incredibly special to be the one Harry's spending his Christmas with, but he feels the need to ask Harry something.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Why aren't you spending Christmas with your family? I mean you seemed like you had no problem agreeing to being here with me, but wouldn't you rather be spending the winter holidays over there?"

"Well, I could see that you really needed the help and sure family's really important to me, but I know I can talk to them whenever I want or see them other days. Helping you was something I wanted to do and I'm very happy that I chose to come here with you. It wasn't what originally intended, but I'm having a great time here with your family... with you." He says it with so much sincerity, that Louis flushes and looks away from gaze. He wonders how Harry feels about him, if he feels the way he does.

What he doesn't know is that Harry as looking at him fondly. He might just be falling for the boy who asked him to be his fake boyfriend for the holidays.

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