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I wake up the next night and start looking for my acquaintances. I end up in the woods I go deeper and deeper into the mess of trees.
        Suddenly a creature jumps out of no ware it pushes me to the ground straining my hurt arm. I try to push it off of me but I fail. I then remember I'm a vampire I bring out my fangs and bite the creature that looks like a cross between a wolf and a human. I kill the creature but find myself lost I start looking for something to eat or build a signal fire I start the fire and start yelling for Someone to find me I fall asleep and start shivering.
       Six hours later Jordan finds Me asleep ice cold he Picks me up and carries to my bed. He sits on the foot of it next to me I wake up but don't open my eyes.
        Jordan softly kisses me just as Sydney walks in. I open my eyes Sydney's yelling horrible things at Jordan I sit up still in pain and still cold Sydney leaves again giving Jordan dirty looks. Jordan kisses me again I get lost in his eyes i watch them change color from blue to green to red to black to brown and back to blue.

The Vampire Wars [completed]Where stories live. Discover now