Chapter 4- Old Faces

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•Luke's pov•

"Luke I signed you up for a therapy class with other teenagers dealing with depression" my mom informs me.
"You what?!" I say annoyed rolling my eyes at my mom.
"You're going today at 11:45 just so you know" she tells me.
"Ugh I hate my life" I mumble under my breath as I charge out of the living room. I go upstairs and check my phone, again having no texts because I have no friends. The only person I considered my friend is Calum, he's known me practically since birth. But I don't talk to him anymore. Elise's death took a toll on both of us but more on me because I was closer to her. Elise had met Calum at Calum's party that we went to a couple of years ago, they had been friends ever since. Calum and I stopped talking with each other after her death since we were both devastated and us being together just reminded us of her. I frown from remembering about the therapy class and look at my clock, 11:15. I get off my bed and start to walk down the stairs.
"Luke c'mon it's time to go" my mom yells for me.
"I'm coming" I say back with a monotone.
My mom notices how upset I look and I can tell she's pittying me. She puts her hand on my shoulder and gives me a sympathetic look.
"Okay look I'm sorry you are going to this but I think it will be good for you. It's about time you start to get over her and realize that there's other people in the world and grieving over one person is keeping you from meeting the rest" she says opening the garage door. I scowl in return. It takes us 10 minutes to get there.
"Love you, tell me how it goes!" My mom shouts as she pulls out of the parking lot.
I just roll my eyes. I take in the boring brick building I'm about to enter and sigh. I walk through the two giant glass doors and into a room filled with about 20 teens each sitting at desks set up in front of a larger desk with a white board. I can already tell I'm going to hate this place. I start to scan the people in the room and suddenly my eyes widen. Calum is here.

Authors note: sorry really short chapter but I hope it was good!!

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