Chapter 7- Guilt

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•Luke's pov•

Today is Sunday July 27, 2015. I get up out of bed smiling knowing that today, things might be okay. Today, I actually have a friend. Today, I don't feel like a sad person. I head downstairs and see my mom in the kitchen.
"Good morning" I say reaching into the fridge for some milk.
"Well good morning to you too, hun" my mom says looking surprised.
I get out my favorite cereal, lucky charms and pour it into a bowl with the milk. I sit down at the table and start to devour it, I was starving since I had no dinner yesterday. Just then my phone buzzed, that's a first. "Hey Luke:) last night I snuck my number into your phone just in case you wanted to get together again. Xoxo -Scarlet" I read her text and was puzzled. Xoxo? What does she think this is gossip girl or something? I decided to shrug off the text and go outside for some air. I sat down on the porch, relieved to be out of that terrible therapy class.
"Hey Luke?" My mom shouted from inside.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Can you go to the grocery store and get some eggs and butter?" She asked.
"Uh...sure?" I said half groaned.
"Thanks, love you" she said sweetly.
I scoffed at her and walked down into town. I walked into the nearest grocery store and went straight to the dairy section, I wasn't wasting anytime since I didn't even want to be there.
"Luke!" I heard a familiar voice shout.
I turned and noticed it was Scarlet.
"Hey are you okay? You didn't respond to my text so I got worried about you" she told me with panic in her eyes.
"Yeah I'm fine, why are you so obsessed with me?!" I shouted coming out louder than I had meant to.
Suddenly, she looked terrified of me.
"I-I have to g-go" she said turning away quickly.
I rolled my eyes in annoyance of her clinginess. I mean, what's her deal?! I decided to ignore her and continue shopping. I got what I needed, paid, and went home. I threw the butter and eggs on the table and walked upstairs angrily.
"Luke wait!" My mom yelled.
"What!" I shouted at her.
"Why are you so mad all of a sudden? Did something happen?" She asked me.
"That's none of your business! Just leave me alone!" I said while glaring at her.
"Excuse me but that is no way to talk to your mother" she said clearly tempered.
"Why is everyone so obsessed with my well-being? Mind your own god damn business!" I exploded into anger and burst out the front door. I yelled as loud as I could. I was so pissed off at everyone right now!
"Luke, go to your room, you need to be alone. At least come back inside" my mom said with ready eyes.
I agreed to go upstairs but I was staying inside. I crawled out my window and onto the roof. It's time like these when I wish the stars were up so I could talk to her. I never fought with Elise. At a time like this, I would be going over to her house to rant about it to her. She would always listen because she loved me and wanted me to feel like somebody cared, and I knew she did. Thinking of Elise is the only thing keeping me sane right now, her beautiful brown wavy hair and her big blue gorgeous eyes. I miss her to pieces. I need her right now.
"Care if I join you?" Calum says from down below.
"How did you get here?" I ask him confused.
"I was shopping and I remembered you lived here so I decided to come" he says with a shrug.
"Oh" I say with a slight frown.
"Having a bad day?" He asked probably judging by my face.
"Yeah" I say with a depressed tone.
"I can go if you don't want me here, I would understand" he says kindly.
"No no it's fine. Stay. Here I'll walk with ya" I tell him.
I hope down off of the roof and we start walking back into town.
"I can't believe I'm actually saying this but I'm glad you decided to visit me" I say to him honestly.
"Yeah no problem, I've missed seeing you. We used to be so cl-" he started to say before I stopped him.
"No please. I don't want to talk about the past" I tell him strictly.
"I get it" he says playing my seriousness off cool.
"So...Scarlet yeah? She seems nice and she really seems to care about you. I mean after all she did come running at full speed out of therapy to see if you were okay" he says raising his eyebrows.
"No it's not like that. Yeah I would consider us friends but I don't like her. In fact, she is really pissing me off right now" I tell him annoyed.
"Oh" was all he said.
"You wanna come over?" Calum asked me.
"Nah I think I should be going home, sorry" I said shrugging.
"It's fine, see ya around" he waved goodbye.
As I walked home I started feeling guilty. I shouldn't have yelled at Scarlet, that was very wrong of me. I'll just fix things with her tomorrow...if she even wants to see me.

Authors note: sorry if you thought this chapter was boring. I promise more drama in the next chapters!!

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