❝A group called 'The Other Side' is hacking into our accounts, stealing identities and social security numbers. Luckily, neither of your information has been stolen, so that is another reason you two were chosen for this mission. You will go underco...
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POV // Mercedes Jones
"Agent Jones, you'll be completing your next mission with a new partner since your old partner, Agent Cruise died in one of the chases." I quickly jolted up from my seat and gasped. My partner, Tom, died? I couldn't believe what I heard. My eyes averted from General Thomas, the leader of the Secret Intelligence Service.
"Who is my new partner?" I asked General without a thought. I sat back down in the leather chair.
"Double O-Seven, Agent Dolan." Agent Dolan? Dolan was one of my rivals. I hated him. In elementary school, he always got better grades than I did. In middle school, he always beat me in physical education class. In high school, he dropped out. So did I. Yes, I was a high school drop-out. But, lucky for me I was in ROTC before I dropped out senior year. So, I applied for the Secret Intelligence Service, also known as MI6 and they took me in. I never really knew much about my parents. They were your normal, average parents, but they always kept secrets from me. Whenever I asked about their work, they would immediately switched to a different subject. They always wanted to know what was going on in my life. They were always so reserved and always locked me out. It honestly irritated me sometimes. But, after high school, I stopped caring about them. I got my own apartment and moved on. Got a job at a law firm, not telling them I wasn't living with my parents and I was immediately selected as one of the highest interns at the firm. After junior year, I was done with school. I hated everything about it and everyone in it, so I dropped out, but in the process I applied to MI6 and got in. My life couldn't have been worse. Now, my life is great. With my job at SIS, I live in a mansion, can afford an Aston Martin and live an unmarried life. I'm only 23. I honestly have my whole life. Why waste it by getting married? I'm happy and that is all that matters. "Bring Agent Dolan, please." General spoke into his telephone. I rolled my eyes without General noticing and started to talk.
"Why Agent Dolan?" I asked General. I was genuinely curious as to why Dolan was my new partner.
"Agent Dolan is the top agent in our Service," I raised an eyebrow, "I mean, besides you, of course," General corrected himself. "We thought, 'Why not pair the two best agents for the mission of the century." I raised my eyebrows again.
"What's our mission?" I asked General, but was interrupted by the door creaking open. In comes Agent Dolan. 5 foot 10; dark brown, spiky hair; birthmark on his cheek; hazel eyes and a breathtaking smile. I will admit, Agent Dolan was hot. Even in high school, all the girls swooned over him-except me. He really was never that attractive in high school, but now, puberty really did him well. He walked over to me in his suit and tie, stuck his hand out and smiled.
"Dolan. Ethan Dolan. Pleasure to meet you." I raised an eyebrow before I rudely responded back.
"Cut the act, Dolan. I know who you are and you know who I am. No need for the introductions." Instead of taking his hand and shaking it, I crossed my arms across my chest and turned away from him.
"Damn, princess. Chill," Ethan said. I rolled my eyes as I felt his gaze go up and down my body and heard him whistle.
"First off," I turned to him, ignoring General's presence, "you do not call me princess. You call me Agent Jones. Second," I took a step towards Ethan, "you respect me. Third," I took another step closer to him, "do not talk to me unless it is about this mission. You understand me," I took another step closer and our noses were almost touching, "Dolan?" I could see the fear in his eyes as he nodded. I smirked at him before turning away from him and towards General Thomas. General awkwardly cleared his throat before speaking.
"Alright, well, a group called 'The Other Side' is hacking into our accounts, stealing identities and social security numbers. Luckily, neither of your information has been stolen, so that is another reason you two were chosen for this mission. You will go undercover as delinquents, requesting to get into 'The Other Side'. Further information will be given to you as soon as you enter into the group. Your cover and more details are located inside these flash drives. The flash drives will self-destruct ten seconds after the message is finished. Good luck." I nodded at General as he handed us a flash drive and wished us off.