❝A group called 'The Other Side' is hacking into our accounts, stealing identities and social security numbers. Luckily, neither of your information has been stolen, so that is another reason you two were chosen for this mission. You will go underco...
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POV // Mercedes Jones
"What do you mean, twin brother?" I asked Agent Dolan, completely dumbfounded and astonished. Agent Dolan gave me a confused look.
"You didn't know?" Agent Dolan asked. I shook my head, surprised.
"No!" I exclaimed. "No one ever called him by his first name!" Dolan raised an eyebrow at me. "Everyone used to call him 'Dolan' or 'Mr. Dolan'. I never really knew his first name," I told him sincerely. He seemed convinced.
"Okay...," he nodded his head slowly, "well, I'm not Grayson. I'm Ethan," he gestured to himself, "the more attractive and smart twin." I laughed at him.
"How come you didn't go to school with your brother?" I asked. He looked down for a second before he brought his head up and looked into my eyes.
"Well..." he started, but drifted off, "it's a long story." I pretended to look at a pretend watch I had on my wrist, looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
"I've got time, Agent Dolan. Spill," I command. He started off in a long monologue voice.
"I was eight years old when I first realized I was somewhat different from other students." I interrupted him quickly.
"You were gay?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
"No! God, no!" I raised my eyebrow again, "I mean, I don't have anything against people like that, but no, I was not and am not gay." I nodded my head slowly and motioned for him to carry on. "Anyway," he glared at me. I rolled my eyes in response as he continued to speak in a monotonous voice, "I would be reading out loud in class and I always read at a slow pace. At first, I thought that everyone else just read at a lightning speed. But, one day, Mrs. Faulkner, my second grade teacher, made me stay after class one day. She asked me a couple questions and told me to read a few passages aloud to her.
"In the middle of a passage, she abruptly told me to stop and she asked me 'Do you find it difficult to read?' I responded with a vague answer of yes-and-no. She looked at me somewhat weirdly and told me I had dyslexia." I dropped my mandible at his statement. He told me this huge story, just to tell me he had dyslexia? He had opened his mouth again to start talking again, but I put a finger over his lips to silence him.
"What does your dyslexia have to do with you not being in school?" I asked, curiously. He glared at me and gently bit my finger. I cringed at the feeling and jerked my hand away from his face.
"I was getting to that," he glared at me once again and shoved his large hands into his trouser pockets. "When Mrs. Faulkner told my mother that I was dyslexic, my mother went into a traumatic shock and pulled me out of school and started homeschooling me." I nodded my head in understandment. "That's why I wasn't at school with Grayson." I nodded my head again and suddenly felt sorry as he gave me a sad smile. I cleared my throat.
"Well, I apologize for my irrational behavior when General was talking to us," I said as I awkwardly rubbed my arm and avoided Agent Dolan's gaze.
"It is completely okay. People make mistakes. Grayson and I are identical..." he said, but then had a look of confusion on his face, "even though we're fraternal twins." I laughed at his last statement which made him smile. I smiled back at him for a second before my watch started to beep. I broke our gaze and looked down at my phone and realized I was receiving a call.
"Look, I am so sorry, Agent Dolan, but I am going to have to cut our meeting a little short! I just got a call and it's crucial that I answer," I told Agent Dolan as I was frantically walking back to my car. I looked back at him to see that he had followed me.
"I understand," he said with a warm smile. I smiled back. "Just let me know if you need anything." I smiled again and nodded, but then realized that I didn't have his number.
"I, uh, don't have your cell phone number," I stuttered through my words as I pulled my phone out from my purse. Agent Dolan snatched it from hand and started to type in his contact and within a few seconds, handed it back to me.
"There you go. Call me or text me when you finish listening and reading through the mission." I nodded at him as I looked down at his contact name. He entered "Ethan Bup Tish Agent Dolan 🔫❤" and added a gun and heart emoji next to his name (canyouseetheemojislmao? 😂). I laughed at his name, but before I could ask what "Bup" and "Tish" meant, he was already driving away in his Maserati. I laughed once again before unlocking my car and driving home.
Ethan'scar : Maserati GT
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Mercedes' car : Aston Martin Vanquish
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