❝A group called 'The Other Side' is hacking into our accounts, stealing identities and social security numbers. Luckily, neither of your information has been stolen, so that is another reason you two were chosen for this mission. You will go underco...
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As I was driving home, listening to some pop iconic songs on a random radio station, I remembered the phone call I received earlier when my conversation with Agent Dolan was interrupted. Pressing the brake at a stoplight, I reached over the control panel of the car and grabbed my purse that was sitting in the passenger's seat. I set my purse on my lap and dug around for my phone. I searched through pockets until I found it in the center of the purse. I pulled the phone out and hooked it up to the car's bluetooth connection. I went to my recent calls, and without looking at the caller ID, I clicked the first contact that was on the missed call list.
As I pressed on the gas pedal to accelerate, the phone rang a few times before I heard a cheery voice answer the phone and I immediately recognized who it was.
"Hey, Mercedes." I heard the voice and knew it to be from Agent Fones. I met Audrey on a mission case a few years ago and since then, we've been real close--almost sister like considering the fact that neither of us had sisters.
"Hello, Audrey," I said with a smile. I waited for her to respond, but not before hearing some background noise and Audrey saying a few profanities. "Audrey? Are you alright?" I heard Audrey sigh before she began to speak.
"Yes, I'm fine. I just dropped a bowl and glass went flying everywhere." I nodded my head, but then remembered she couldn't see me.
"What are you doing that requires you to use glass bowls?" I inquired.
"That's what I had called you about. I am throwing a party tonight and wanted to know if you wanted to come," she told me. Although I said I would talk to Agent Dolan tonight, I really needed a night off. Him and the mission can wait one day for me, right?
"Sure, I'll be there. Do you want me to come a little early? You sound like you could use some help." I laughed dryly at the end and I heard Audrey's nervous laughter echo through the whole car.
"Absolutely, I need all the help I can get."
"Okay, what time should I be over?" I asked her. I looked down at the panel and saw that it was almost lunch time.
"Around four or five o'clock will be good." I nodded my head again, saying okay and made a mental note.
"Alright, I will see you then! What should I wear?" I added quickly before she had the time hang up. It took her a few seconds before she responded.
"Wear something... sultry. Something that could catch a man's attention." I laughed at her response, but said okay anyway and hang up.
Just as the phone called ended, I realized that I was already pulling up into my driveway. I clicked the button that opened the garage door and pulled into the garage. I quickly grabbed my purse from my lap, shut and locked the door entering the house. I was greeted by silence, which was normal for me as no one lived in the huge mansion except me. I slung my purse across the couch and walked into the kitchen without taking my shoes off. I grabbed an apple that was sitting on the table and started to look over the mission files. I first looked at my disguise. "Scar Johnson" was my name. Who the hell names their kid Scar? I shook my head and continued to read through the backstory of my disguise.