Chapter 11

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I took a nice, relaxing shower to gather my thoughts. For some reason, when Jack kissed me, I couldn't resist him and my anger had quickly faded.

I looked down at the bite marks on my right shoulder, tracing my finger over them. So Jack...loves me? I admit, we do have a lot in common and I have grown a bit...attached to him in this time I've been here.

I guess it won't be too bad to belong to someone like him. I smiled to myself as I finished my shower. Getting out, I dried off and wrapped a towel around myself and stood in front of the mirror.

I feel...strange. Then it hit me. I saw in my reflection my pupils constrict into slits and I could feel my teeth beginning to sharpen.

I grabbed my head and groaned out, fighting the urge to transform. "N-No. Must...resist."

I quickly curled up on the floor, still holding my head in pain. A knock on the door brought me back to reality. It was quiet as I sat up, looking toward the door.

"Myth? You okay in there? I heard a groan."

I stood up, examining myself in the mirror to see my teeth and eyes back to normal. "Yeah. I'm fine. I just...forgot my clothes."

I went to the door, opening it to see Jack. He watched me in silence as I went to the dresser and picked out some pajamas. I smirked at Jack as I passed him.

"I'll just be a minute."

I closed the door behind me and got dressed. The marks on my shoulder were now visible since I wore a sleeveless tank top.

I came out to see Jack lying motionless on the bed. I quietly snuck over, not knowing if he was watching me or not. I suddenly heard a low chuckle come from him.

"I can see you, you know."

I placed my hands on my hips as I stood over him. "What do you want, a medal?"

He sat up and looked at me. "So, you don't mind that know..."

He pointed to my shoulder. I gave a small smile and shook my head, bending down to face him. "No, I don't mind. Not if it's you."

I reached my hand up and pushed his mask above his mouth. I leaned closer and kissed his lips. He eagerly kissed back while I placed my hands on his shoulders.

I didn't realize before that he tasted like blood. The taste started to make me feel...hungry. I quickly pulled away before I feel that urge to change again.

I sat down beside Jack, watching him wrap his arms around me. He moved his mouth down to my left shoulder where he nipped at my skin.

I let him have his way until I felt him sink his teeth in. I winced as blood dripped from between his teeth. He soon let go and licked the bloody wound until it stopped bleeding.

I frowned slightly when he pulled away. "Seriously? Again?"

He grinned. "Sorry, I just can't help myself."

I quickly grabbed his hand, ripping his glove off and biting into his skin. He didn't say anything, but I could feel him stiffen.

After I let go, he rubbed his hand as I mimicked him. "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself."

He chuckled, causing me to smile. He then pulled me under the covers with him, kissing and nuzzling my shoulder.

"We should get some sleep. Goodnight, Myth."

"Night, Jack."

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep with thoughts of Jack and this urge to transform swirling around in my head.

I dreamt that night. I dreamt of being in dragon form again. I could freely run, fly, hunt, and kill on my own. It felt great.

I ended up waking up to a choking sensation. I thrashed and gasped for air as Jack sat up in surprise.


I regained control and felt the collar loosen a bit, allowing me to breath. I coughed and gasped as Jack held me.

"Myth, are you okay? What happened?"

After I caught my breath, I told him, "I'm...I'm okay. I had a dream that I was in dragon form. I guess I started to transform in my sleep."

Jack hugged me and quietly asked, "You sure you're okay?"

I nodded and pushed him back slightly. "I'm fine. It was just a dream. But thanks for asking."

I could hear the smile in his voice as he laid me back down with him. "No problem. Let's get back to sleep."

I nodded and fell back to sleep with Jack's arms around me. I just hope I can still keep myself under control, not just for me, but also for Jack's sake.

My Creepypasta OC: Myth's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now