Chapter 13

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Jack's pov

I guided Myth through the woods, watching with worry as her eyes darted to every sight and sound. I hope this is a good idea.

We eventually came to a small lake just outside a nearby town. I stopped upon seeing a couple out on the lake, sitting together in a small boat.

Looking back at Myth, her eyes were fixed on the boat. A wide grin spread across her lips. In an instant, she lunged toward the water.

I quickly grabbed her as she passed me, wrapping my arms around her and holding her against me. She squirmed around, pushing on my arms and reaching toward the water.

I kept my hold on her and quietly said, "Calm down, Myth."

She eventually stopped her squirming and I released my hold on her. Her gaze stayed fixed on the lake while I stood behind her, running my hands over her arms.

I moved beside her, glancing at her face as I grabbed the key from inside my pocket. "Myth, this is probably a stupid idea, but I trust you."

I placed the key in the lock of the collar, turning it until it clicked. The collar came undone and fell to the ground with a thunk.

Myth's eyes widened as a gasp escaped her lips. Her hand slowly went up to her neck, feeling her now exposed throat. Her body had completely stopped shaking as she turned her head toward me.

"Y-You...freed me."

I smiled under my mask. She turned back toward the lake, and in an instant, transformed as she rushed toward the water. Her body elongated as pale blue scales covered her skin.

Fin-like spines fanned out on the sides of her head while her narrow snout snapped at the air. Two clawed hands helped pull her snake-like body along the grass as she slipped silently into the water.

Myth never ceases to amaze me. I had no idea she could turn into some kind of sea serpent. I thought she only turned into a dragon, and though both creatures are roughly the same size, this serpent form is just as cool. The name Myth really suits her.

I shook the thoughts from my head as the water erupted under the boat. The boat was torn to pieces as the couple were sent into the air, screaming.

Myth rose up, catching the woman in her mouth before diving back under the surface of the water. The man began swimming toward the shore after he landed back into the water.

I could see a shape in the water, rushing toward the man. It suddenly sunk down, disappearing as a head surfaced in front of the guy.

He stopped, looking up at the rising form before him. Everything was still until Myth bit down on his head and torso, dragging him down with her under the water.

After a moment of silence, their was a splash as Myth climbed out of the lake a short distance away with the man's lifeless body in her mouth. I approached as she ate her meal.

Hopefully now she'll be back to normal. She glanced at me before going back to her meal. "That was quite a kill. I didn't know you had a form like this."

She let out a small grunt and rolled her eyes as she ate. I chuckled to myself. Yep, she's back to normal. All she needed was to hunt to calm her feral instincts.

Myth soon finished her meal, licking the blood from her lips in satisfaction. I started walking closer to her and said, "Well, if you're feeling yourself again, I think we should head on back to-"

I stopped midsentence and froze as she glared at me and snarled. "Myth?"

She silently stared at me for a minute before turning and slipping back into the lake, disappearing from sight. I sighed and felt like slapping myself.

I knew it. I knew I shouldn't have trusted her to come back. What was I thinking, setting her free? Slender's going to kill me.

I turned and began walking away, glancing back at the lake one more time before leaving. Now what do I do?

Myth's pov

I swam down toward the bottom of the lake. Jack was a fool. He was stupid to think I'd listen to him once I was free.

Of course, I was surprised he had freed me from that collar in the first place. Good thing he did, I might've completely lost my mind if he hadn't.

I continued swimming, occasionally stopping to glance back toward the surface. It feels great to be free again, but I also feel something else.

An empty feeling. What is it? Could it be...loneliness? Pfft, what am I saying? Lonely? Me? I have no reason to be lonely, I have everything I need.

But then, why do I feel this way? That's when the realization hit me. Do Jack? I shook the thought out of my mind. That's ridiculous.

Sure, I'm grateful to Jack for everything he's done, I've even grown fond of him, but love? That can't truly be how I feel, can it?

My Creepypasta OC: Myth's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now