Hello Ember

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Dear Dad,
Its been 1,460 days exactly. Happy four year anniversary. I really hope you have a great day and i hope you remember what you did that day. Also, i want you to know that i forgive you for everything. Everyone says i should be furious and dont get me wrong i am mad but no matter how many tears i shead for you i still forgive you. Aunt Paris thinks i should stop writing to you. Ive written every day trying to understand and get a reply. I know you get these because they never get mailed back and Auntie says she doesnt have any contact with you but i know shes lying. I hear her talking to you 3 nights a year. Youre birthday, my birthday and her birthday but why dont you ever talk to me. Please talk to me dad. Its been 4 years why cant you just speak to me at least a word. Just one. I remember a few days before it happened you told me your always be there for me. To talk or even just for a hug. We were so close but i guess you lied. Because your not hear for me. Im going to be late for work at Tomorrow so i got to go.
Your Autumn leaf

Brisk. Cold. Frozen. Slowly snow fell from the winter cloulds making my widow freeze over and the ground outside look soft. The blankets of white were spread across every thing except the street where a truck was clearing the ice. Good thing too because i have places to be.

I walked out of my small bed room with a sealed envelope and a postal stamp. The smell of eggs and bacon filled the small apartment, the smell getting stronger approaching the kitchen. Aunt Paris was a small woman with short brown hair and green eyes. Her small waist and carefull movements made her look almost fragile.

"Morning sweetie. Isnt it a bit cold for that today?" Her english accent was strong. It was always one of my favorite things about her. To get her to say things so i could hear how she pronounced it.

I looked down at myself. Black skinny jeans, gray and black vans boots, long sleeved Falling in Reverse shirt and a grey beanie. "I guess but its only a 2 minute ride over and the hospital will be heated." When it snowed i was never one to put on a jacket i just didnt like wearing them. I put the letter in a little decorative mail box sitting on the kitchen counter. It had seven letters in it since Auntie mailed them every sunday. "Dont forget to mail these today" Auntie waved me off like she was offened that i thought i had to remind her.

We had a small kitchen that was conected to our living room right at the entrance of the front door. Auntie was a cook before she had to take care of me so she made the best food ive ever tasted. "If you catch cold dont come crying to me. I made you some breakfast."

I looked at my fathers old grandfather clock that Auntie had in the living room. "Sorry im going to be late ill eat at Tomorrow". Running out i quickly grabbed the keys to my scooter before opening the door and rushing out. I went to the drive way and got on my black electric street legal scooter.

Its only about 3 miles from here to the towns hospital ,Tomorrow. I work there on weekends and every night after school as a intern. Today is my first day working my new promotion. I used to just clean or read to children but now that ive been promoted they are going to assign me people to watch over and hang out with no more then one or two at a time. The goal is to give kids hope and happiness throughout there treaments.

Walking into the hospital a wave of warm air hit against my skin making my mussles relax. I hurried to the second floor looking for my boss Dr. Allen. I found him and right when he saw me his face lit up. "Autum! Ready for your new job?"

"Yes, iam very excited" as far as bosses go i guess Allen is a pretty good one since hes so lay back and weird. It doesnt surprise me how crazy he acts since hes a kids doctor.

"Ok wait in this room" he tapped on room 348 with his knuckles. "She will be right in, shouldnt be long. Good luck" with that he walked away. The man was blonde with glasses and looked like such a nerd because of his skinny shape and how he walked with a hop in his step.

I walked into the room sitting on the edge of the bed. Not too long after i entered the room a nurse wheeld in a little girl around six wearing a pink hospital gown and beanie over her bald head. Tubes traveled from her machines in through her nose wraping behind her ears to stay in place. I smiled getting off the bed to sit across from her in a chair as the nurse left. "Hey whats your name" i said quietly.

It seemed like the small girl never smiled anymore and for a good reason. It was obvious she had cancer but thats ezactly why im hear, too make people happy "im Ember" her voice was like a whisper.

My bright smile never faded from my face while i looked at this beautiful young girl "Hello Ember" i said kindly "My names Autumn"

"Like the season?" She said with the same expression on her face as she looked at me examining my features.

I laughed a little at what she said and nodded "Yeah just like the season."

"Why is that your name?" She asked.

"Well because i was born in Autumn, it was my dads favorite time of the year and my father loved the color of my hair because it reminded him of a Autum leaf." I explained.

She made a weird face as if she was confused. "Well thats stupid!" She said looking at my hair "Your hairs blue!" Her voice still low even though it seemed like she was yelling surprised. I find it so funny how kids say what first pops into mind not knowing that it might be insulting.

"I changed the color." I said laughing slightly.

"But if your daddy loved it why did you change it."

I hesitated "Thats a good question...."

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