Chapter Three - The Walkway of Our Impending Doom

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Okay, deep breaths, deep breaths...

How on earth am I going to revive all these people? They're at least two dozen of them to begin with and I have to perk them up one-by-one?

I'm the child of the goddess Hecate, THE GODDESS OF MAGIC. Couldn't this be easier to do? You know, let the magic hocus-pocus stuff come out of the palm of my hands smoothly?

Oh, should I do that thing where Aslan from Narnia breathed on the frozen captives of the White Queen to bring them back to life? No, that's crazy... But, it wouldn't hurt to try – No, nope. Not doing that. That would probably make my jaw ache by the end and wouldn't it be weird if the one you've already revived watched you revive someone else by breathing on them?

No, I have to bring them back to normal all at once. But how?

I'm the daughter of Hecate. I am the daughter of Hecate. I can't believe I'm going to do this, she'll laugh at me from Olympus to the Tartarus, I can feel it. But what do I have to lose?

"Um, mom?" I said, looking up at the ceiling, "It's me. Your daughter, Angela," Well, it's a good way to start, right? Introductions. "I know we haven't really got in touch when I was... young. But, I need your help." I said, still looking up at the ceiling.

I looked back at the frozen statues that used to be my little delinquents and Couch Hedge; I don't want them to be stuck like this. I want to help. But I don't know how.

I'm lost in this world; the only people who are like me are frozen stuck in a museum. Lone demigods can't even last a week without being ambushed by monsters. I need them, and I hope it's vice-versa with them.

I look back at the ceiling, my eyes closed, "Please."

"Pitiful." I heard someone say behind me, her voice bouncing from the walls.

"Mom?" I turned around and saw a woman in a white dress with peacock feathers, "Nope." Hera said with a smirk spread across her face, "I'm back."

"I didn't call for you." I said scowling, "But while you're here, you mentioned earlier that you're going to help me break my curse... What am I cursed with exactly?"

"You'll know when you get to Camp Half-blood; they will tell you of your curse and how to break it." Hera walked towards me, the train of her dress gliding smoothly behind her, "I'll lift the curse I put on your, erm, friends." She said with a cheerful smile, "Seeing that you're not fully in control of your powers, I'll do the magic. There are no strings attached, think of it as a favour to my favourite niece."

I scoffed, looking at her straight in the eye, "I bet you tell every demigod that." Hera smirked, waving her hand in the air like she was going to summon some kind of wretched beast, "You have 5 seconds." Then, she was gone. 5 seconds? What the hell is she talking about?

I turned back to the frozen statues that are my classmates; I noticed one of them starting to stretch their arms. Oh, crap. I ran back to my seat, with Leo facing me. It would be weird if I was just standing there 5 feet away from them when I was actually in front of him before this whole thing started.

It took at least 30 seconds for all of them to start functioning properly again.

"Are you okay?" Leo asked, still concerned with me and my pain from earlier. I nodded, standing up, "Yeah, I feel better now. Thanks." He looked unconvinced at first, actually he looked totally unconvinced. Wow, he must know me pretty well to figure out when I'm lying or not. Leo now had his arm around my shoulders, turning our direction away from the class, "Look, Jason is having some kind of freakish break down, Piper just fought that girl who is way into blue eye shadow, and you... You're calm. Like, absurdly calm. Since when are you calm?"

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