Chapter 4

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I walked into Grillby's, I wasn't hungry I just felt like it. I felt that I needed to. It was like that feeling when magnets connect. It's like a moth towards a flame. I walked out of the cold and into the warm Grillby's. The place was full of monsters, but a certain one was out of place. Their h/c hair seemed healthy and completely not full with oils... Unlike Undyne's... Not to mention she's a fish too. The humans head turned my way, allowing me to see their face. The e/c eyes shined brightly against the dim lights of Grillby's. No way they could be from the underground. I thought. They turned her head back to whatever they were staring at. I just slowly made my way over to them.
I put my boney fingers on their shoulder making her flinch. As soon as my hand made contact my body felt frozen, it felt like the once warm Grillby's is now a freezing Iceland. Then I started getting visions of them... I just couldn't explain...
To painful
All the ashes
All the pain
All the death
All the sorrow
It was everywhere
And I couldn't stop it
The vision stopped and I was left standing there while they were on the floor. She must have fallen after the vision. The girl got up in her feet. I still couldn't help but notice her eyes, they shined too brightly to be from the underground.
"Just take the money from my paycheck, Grillby" she said as she made her way out of the restaurant.
"So Grillby?"
"What's with her"
"What was with "take it out my paycheck'?"
"Oh.... She is... One of my... Employees"
"Oh okay"
I walked out of Grillby's following the energy that seems to be coming from her. seeing footprints that headed toward the forest. The footprints were close together meaning she was walking, but after a while they separated meaning she is in a run.
These footprints seem to me heading toward Waterfall. I wouldn't be surprised if Waterfall was now a winter wonderland. I stopped in my tracks as I saw her in front of me. I looked around and we seem to be in a Circular clearing made out of trees. She was taking off their jacket and set it aside, turning toward me.
I raised my hand and threw her into a tree.
"Look kid, I don't know what you are planning on doing but I can tell you are gonna have a bad time first". She just went back into the middle of the clearing. I tried throwing her again but she just drifted back.
"Look Skele-bro, I don't mean to burst your bubble or anything but...." She dragged the word at the end. I took this as a opportunity to cause damage to her. I through her to the left, but she was prepared. As soon as she made impact with the trees she jumped up in a diagonal way she jumped down taking hardly any damage. "Sure I may suck at my magic or what ever it is, I may not have an actual family, I may not be completely happy, but I am completely determined" she said.
I spawned two Gaster Blaster beside me and fired them to where they crossed paths. I could tell the girl got skimmed by my magic. Her HP was going down quite fast. "Fine you wanna play it that way... Fine lets play" I heard her mumble. Before I even had a chance to react she raised her hand and summoned a magic attack. "I don't mean to burst your bubble, kid but I think you need some more practice with your magic" I said because absolutely no magic came from that attack.
"Or maybe not" she said in a darker tone.
About 8 pairs of Amber eyes a merged from the shadows. It frightened me to fine out that those 8 pairs of eyes belonged to 8 different wolves. I knew this was not going to end up well for me.

Yea know cause I am a stack of bones

And they are well


A grey-bluish wolf lunged towards me along with the rest of the pack, as soon as the wolves landed on me and started chewing on my bones, they were gone. I picked up my head only to see the girl standing there with her hand raised. She must have recalled the dogs, either way I am still thankful. She picked up her jacket and started to head out of the clearing.

"The name is Y/n L/n by the way, you might want to remember that"

From then on out I knew that name would stick in my mind forever.

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