Chapter 1

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Slamming my locker shut, I walked over to James' and slammed it shut on him. " Real nice," he said as I stood there giggling. "Hello to you, too. You ready to go? I already saw my moms car and if we make her wait, well to say it sweetly, there will be no more Emily tomorrow," I told him, waving my hand with the "no more emily." 

"Well it's kind of hard to get my stuff, when the locker is shut. Oh wait! I forgot I had my magic powers to get my stuff through my locker. How silly of me to forget, " James teased with a smile as he spun his combination again. "Just hurry up," I told him while I giggled. After a few minutes, James finally shut his locker all his stuff in his hands.

After my mom dropped us off at James' house, we walked into the living room and sat down. "Your such a liar, your mom didn't look like she was about to kill you. If anything, she looked as if she were about to like, buy you a car or something. I mean, did you see how cheery she was?" James teased me as we stood back up and walked into the kitchen for  snack. "So what delicacy, shall we be treated to  today?" I asked James, smiling. "Well if you get 2 glasses and some milk I will retrieve it," He told me. "Okie dokie," I responded cheerfully going over to the fridge. I filled the glasses of milk and walked over to the counter, where James had 2 brownies on napkins. "Oooo, " I said as I stared at them, smiling. We both stood around the counter island and felt the chocolaty sensation melt in my mouth. I glanced at my phone and said, " I can only stay for an hour and a half, but I can text you after that," I informed James. "Ok, so we have until 4:30. Sounds good," he responded . 

James and I we both kind of outcast. Neither of us had great social skills.That's how we found each other. I looked up, and saw his chocolate brown hait flopping over his eyes. Leaning over, i gently pushed it out of his face. When his eyes met mine, I covered my face knowing my cheeks were flaming. Daring a slight glance, I saw he had his green eyes still locked on me, where they remained until I decided I should answer my beeping cell phone. "Of course," I muttered.

"What was that?" James asked.

"Nothing. Excuse me," I said stepping out of the room.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

" Hey, this is Jack Orantinss. You probably don't know me but-"

"I know you, everyone knows you," I blurted. Oh crap.

"Um, ok. Anyways, do you want to go out with me this Friday? Maybe catch a movie or something?"

This could not be happening. Jack Orantinss was asking me out. ME! But I started thinking and realized, he didn't even know I knew him. Does he even know my name? I thought about this hard for a few minutes and lied, "I'm busy this Friday. Maybe some other time," and hung up. I didn't just do that. That did not just happen. Jack is the captain of the soccer, basketball, and baseball team. And i turned him down for a date!?

I walked back into the kitchen and found James sitting on the counter just tapping away on the counter top. I laughed and went over to him and we talked until I had to leave.

* * *

I woke up to a ringing in my ears. I turned off my alarm clock but realized it was even on. Had James finally texted me back? I picked up my phone and looked at the screen. He hadn't responded. I went further into my messages and saw the last thing said. By me. "I love you," I read aloud,"Oh jeez I'm an idiot." How could I have been stupid enough to tell him that! Considering I wasn't even sure. I glanced at the clock and tried to go back to sleep.

After one sleepless night, it was 8:00am on a Friday morning and homeroom was almost over. Although the day had just begun, I still wondered where James was. He was late but never this late.

By the end of the day I hadn't seen James once. Was it because of what I said? It probably was. He would be back tomorrow.

But when dawn fell the next morning, after homeroom, James wasn't there. Could he be sick? James is never sick, but it was the right time of year. Maybe this time it would be his turn on the other end. After school, I called his cell phone. He didn't answer. But that didn't surprise me. He never did.

Later that evening I realized that he never did answer a call but would never miss a text. But he missed the text last night. Or maybe he did read it and was just too shocked to respond, I thought. "Crap," I muttered, " where is my phone?" I said searching around. " I know! I left it- aha! here it is," I said to myself, "Emily, Emily, Emily. What ARE we gonna do with you?" I started a new message to James:

Me: Hey, where've you been???

After a few minutes of no reply, i decided to call him again. Still no answer. I sent another text.

Me: hello??? u havent been in school 4 weeks where r u??

That's when I decided to call his house. His parents don't like me so I try to make that a last resort. But I was desperate. "Oh, thank heavens it's you! Have you seen James?" His mother sounded petrified. " I thought he was home sick," I told her. I heard her start crying as she choked out a "No."

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