Chapter 4- Emily's POV

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I lay on my bed, iPod blasting through my ears, thinking about everything that had happened that day. 

Laying there made me realize that I had been so stupid to trust him. I snapped up in bed, my head aching a little bit, as I realized I had still had his number. I could call him and talk to him again. But I 

didn't know if I really should or wanted to. And what if he had been lying? Relax, for once Emily, jeez.

I grabbed my homework and a pencil as I climbed out the window, the pink, purple, and orange sunset exploding infront of me. The colors peeked through the trees, like a game of hide and seek, when you peek just a little to see if anyones coming but  then you get caught and the whole image of you explodes through. These colors jumping out at me, making me wish I could l jump off this roof and land safely in them.

Turning down my iPod a little bit, I turned to my homework which I didnt understand why I was doing it now, considering it was Saturday. Bending over the ledge, I threw my homework in, papers scattering everywhere and I gave a tiny sigh whichmade a strand of hair blow up in my face as I grabbed my phone off of my bedside table. Sitting back down on the roof top, I slid my phone open and looked at my inbox with 1 new message a dorky smile, spreading across my face as I read it was from Jay. Why had he actually texted me? I clicked read and scanned over the short message.

A smile crept onto my face and I shook my head as I shut my phone, the message replaying over and over through my mind.

I won't lie, ever since we met earlier, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.

I noticed how there were no spelling or gramatical errors, everything was perfect, from the capital letter in the beginning to the period in the end. Did he actually care about me? Or was he just trying to make me believe I could trust him? I didnt know and was to tired to care. Climbing back into my window, I plopped on my bed and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2011 ⏰

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