Chapter 3

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Why was this girl so afraid of me? I could tell that she tried to make me think she trusted me but i knew she didnt. I really had no interest in harming her, though. I'm sure it was just because she was nervous about...

What was she so nervous about? What was it that was supposed to be better? I decided I wouldnt bomb her with every question that flooded through my mind. Just most of them would be ok.

"So why are you so afraid of me? Honestly, I have no intention of hurting you, in any way. So why?" I asked her. She pulled her eyes off of the twig she was looking at and watching so intently and her icy blue eyes cut through me. We sat there for a couple of minutes, just watching each other. I suddenly wished I could do somethingto impress her. She finally took a in a deep breath, let it out  and said "It's not you. Well it sort of is but its that I just met you and Im not really sure whether or not I can believe to trust you or not." I thought about this for a minute.

"Okay, but if you dont believe or trust anyone, how do you meet knew people?" I threw back at her.

"I dont need to, I'm perfectly content with my life. Well I was," she replied, as she started fiddling with a twig. Her dark blonde hair covered half of her face.

"Was?" I asked, "What happened?" She glanced up at me, clearly not sure whether or not she should tell me.  And the longer she waited the less I wanted to know.

"Are you gonna let me by with saying I dont want to talk about it?" She asked hopefully.

I looked at her and smirked as I responded, "Nope, spill it.Come one."

She sighed and looked nervously at me then said. "Okay. Well I'm gonna tell you Im not overly popular. In fact, well Ive only really got one friend but hes been awesome to me forever. and recently, he just dissappeared." Tears started rising into her eyes as she continued, " Ive been so lost without him. Hes helped me through everything. I havent known what to do. Ive spent days in school by myself holding back the tears and driving home and letting go, so sick of the pain." She was full on crying now and I moved torwards her, to comfort her. She plunges her head into my shoulder and throws her arms around my neck. I hug her and take in her scent as I rub her back as she continues. "He loved being out here, in the woods. He would tease me until I finaly would come in, just to prove him wrong because Ive always been afraid of here. I just dont know what to do," she finished as she looked at me.

I took a deep breath and told her, "I think theres more to this problem than what your telling me. Am I right?" She nodded. "I think, that you have feelings for him beyond friendship. Am I right?" I asked again and a small, sad smile came over her lips, " I think you understand me more than anybody else ever could." 

Im not sure but I'm almost positive that my heart just cracked down the center as she said this. Me? I dont know much about her at all. As honored as I was, I didnt know anything about her. Her missing friend knows more than I do. By far. She stood up sniffled, wiped her eyes and said "Well I should go. I'm sorry to just walk away like this." 

"It's fine. Do you want my number? Maybe we can talk again sometime," I offered. She smiled and said sure so i gave her my number as she scribbled it in a pad.

She walked away, leaving me sitting in the middle of the woods with a tear stained shoulder.  I put my hands on the ground to pullmyself back up when I saw a note write where she was sitting. I toyed with the idea of reading it as I fumbled with the note. Eventually, I figured she probably wouldnt actually call me so reading it would be harming no one. I uncrinkled  it and the words jumped at me:

once my life

Now just a memory

Fell for you

But knew I shouldnt

But that strong wanting that love brings upon you took over

But now your gone

And I refuse to sit here and wait for you to return

I'm determined

Determined to find you,

To make you mine

And no longer wait for my happily ever after.

I crinkled the note back up and one thought ran through my mind.

This girl is beautiful, sweet, and really needs a friend. She may be head over heals for this other guy, but I'm gonna make sure she ends up with me. Sorry dude, but you had her and lost her.

I was going to make her mine.

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