We were all in the large living room. Bella and Edward were sitting on the large couch, kissing and watching Renesmee with Jacob. Renesmee was so grown up now, she looked 16. Carlisle and Esme were playing a chess game and laughing. Alice and Jasper were kissing in the corner of the room. Emmett went bear hunting. I was sitting on the couch, surfing through the channels on the TV.
Every day, every hour, every minute, I think of the same situation I had when I was human; I had a baby girl. I was pregnant when I was 17 with Edward's baby. I never told him. I had to go through the same thing that Bella went through. My baby is half human, half vampire. As I was carrying my child, it was extremely difficult. The reason I broke up with Edward was because I was pregnant, he didn't want to be with me if I told him. I knew he was a vampire when we were dating. I loved him. The only people that know about my situation is Emmett, Alice and Carlisle.
As I gave birth to my daughter, it was excruciating. I couldn't do it. Carlisle helped me. I named my daughter Lillian. I had to give her away because I was too young to be a mother. I couldn't cope with it. Of course I loved my child no matter what, but I couldn't. Carlisle and I gave her away to a vampire family that would accept her. Her full name was Lillian Hale Cullen. Her name now is Lillian Blackrose. I keep on telling myself whether to tell Edward or not. But I just can't. He's happy with Bella.
The reason why I hated Bella so much was because she had a choice; to become changed or not. She decided to be with Edward and to change. Also, she fell in love with the guy I was intended to be with. But things got better after I found Emmett. He made me happy. I will always love Edward. I can imagine how angry Bella would be if she found about Edward and I. He doesn't even know anyway.
Renesmee and Jacob kissed. I smiled at them. "Nessie, would you like something to eat?" I ask Renesmee. Since she is half human, she eats a little bit. "Thanks, aunt Rosalie." "What would you like?" "What do you have?" "I can make you a nutella sandwich." "I'll have that then," she replies in her beautiful voice. "Wait, Blondie is gonna poison it. Don't trust her," Jacob stood up. "Jacob, she's not going to poison it," Renesmee yelled. "Thankyou Renesmee," I said. I walk to the kitchen. I grab the nutella tub from the cupboard. I snatch two pieces of white bread, and spread nutella on it.
I bring it to Renesmee. "Thanks aunt Renesmee." "No problem sweetie." "Watch out for poison. Ice Cold Barbie just wants to poison everybody," Jacob laughs. "Shut up dog!" I scream. "Jacob, stop!" Bella yells. Renesmee eats her sandwich. She finishes it in 5 minutes. She loved it. I decide to go have a bath.
I walk up the large wooden stairs in the Cullen's house. As I was walking, my hair flows through the wind of the air conditioner. As I arrived in the bathroom, I closed the door. I looked in the mirror. Every time I look in the mirror, I am actually proud of what I see. I had the gift of beauty. Beauty.My eyes were a beautiful golden colour. My hair was the most lovely blonde any blonde would want. My skin was as pale as snow white. I was tall and my body was perfect. It was just right, not too fat, not too skinny. Perfect. I turned on the bath tap water on. I grabbed the bath gel from the vanity. It was a berry fragrance. It smelt like fresh berries. The water was extremely hot. I loved it like that. I had this thing that I get cold very easily. It sucks, I know. I tie my long thick hair into a messy bun. I never let anybody see me in a messy bun except when I was in the bath. I looked good in it, but still. I was known for having my wonderful hair down.
I hop into the bath. It felt like heaven. It was life. I realised what everybody thought of me; a bitch that only thought about herself. I wasn't one. I cared about everything else besides me. I just wanted to be apart of everything. The only person that understood who I really am is Emmett. He makes my life complete. After my long hot bath, I changed my clothes. I put on a purple dress. It was beautiful, with my dark stockings. I put on my black heels. I fixed up my hair. I straightened it more. I also added more make up on. I added some more mascara, some blue and purple eye shadow along with some purple lipstick.

Rosalie & Edward // A Love Story
FanfictionRosalie Hale has kept a long lost secret for the past 84 years; she had a baby. The father is Edward Cullen. They were dating in 1932 until she discovered she was carrying his child. She was human while he was a vampire. She gave birth to a daughter...