He hears you swearing

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Brad- you were lifting something hot out pf the oven, when it fell on your feet, "OMG that fucking hurt!!!!" You screamed as Brad ran downstairs laughing, " I don't find it funny mister " you said in a pissed off tone " I'm not laughing at that babe I'm laughing at you because you swore!!"
Tristan- you were curling your hair until you got burned a few times "motherfucker!!!" You yell as you burn yourself again. Tristan came up with a shocked and worried look on his face. "What happened? Did you get burned ?" Tristan asked with a stupid smirk an his face," here let me help gorgeous " and Tristan did your hair and it was a amazing job.
Connor- you went into the shower and turned the water on, you were enjoying it until you felt a splash of cold water came on top of you. " fuck off Connor  and get out !!" You yell. When you finished your shower you went into your and Connors bedroom and saw Connor laughing so hard that you could see tears of laughter. "Y/n your cute when you swear!"
James- you were getting out of the car when you banged your head off the car ceiling." Fucking hell." "Y/n stop not on public babe" he leans down to kiss your head (where you hit it). You went in to Nandos and sat with James until you hear him giggling "what's so funny?" "I just remembered you hitting your head of the car" he said looking you dead in the eye." And that you swore for the first time!"

Tina xxx

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