You text the wrong guy

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Brad-you text Tristan
You- hey rockstar.... Miss you loads can't wait for tonight xxxx
Tris- hey y/n, I'm your rockstar???? Oh brads getting it tonight xx
You- oh god. I'm sorry that was for Brad and yea of course your my rockstar lol xx
Tristan- you text Connor
You-hey sexy, when you coming home???? I NEED CUDDLES!!!! Xx
Con-jez y/n I never I was sexy. Do you not think tris' cuddles are better??? Xx
You- omg I'm so sorry condora and anyway see u guys when you get back xx
Connor- you text James
You- hey babe, please come over, I miss your perfect blue eyes that always make me smile and I miss my baby xxx
Jems- of everything you see you chose my eyes ?? My abs are so much better xx
You- God James, sorry to disappoint you but that was for my baby condora xx
James- you text Brad
You- hey handsome,I want cuddles. Can you come home early?? Xxx
Brad- sure thing, I'll be there after I've finished recording ! And I'm guessing that was for jems.... He's already left xx
You- thanks b.... See you guys soon xx

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