How you meet

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Brad- you were working at Starbucks. You were taking a curly boys order he tells you his order than says " oh and add your number to the cup!" And winked at the end. You give him your number. You two have never been happier.
Tristan- you were at the cinema with your best friend. You toke your seats and a blonde hair boy sat beside you. At the end of the film he pulled to the side to get your number and that night to talked all night to Tristan
Connor- you were at the pet shop with your mum to get a beaded dragon. You've always wanted one. When you were looking at them a boy came up to you and he started talking to you about them and when you had to leave he asked you for your number.
James- you were at the gym, when this guy and his mates came on the thing beside you. They kept whispering and looking at you so you went to something else and one of the guys followed you." I'm James " he says "y/n" you replied. You were chatting for a long time when you realised you have to go home " I have to go James, nice meeting you," you hug him. " wait y/n,can I have your number ?" You put your number into his phone and now you guys are very happy.

Tina xx

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