Chapter 1

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Recently Haru asked me to be his girlfriend. I was so happy, i thought we could spend more time together. I was wrong. He's gotten really busy since we became a couple. He's the president of Karate and has to take care of his shop. Not only that but he studies a lot as well.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I looked at my phone to see if Haru replied back to my texts. He didn't. He's busy; it's not it his fault.

Later i had made breakfast for me and Jo. Usually Jo is downstairs.... where is he? I went upstairs and knocked on his door.

*Knock knock*

Jo: "Yes?"

I came in to see Jo was writing something with a pile of papers beside him.

"I made you breakfast!"

Jo: "Oh...thanks, but i'm busy at the moment. I'll eat it later."

"Ok. Bye Jo!"

I waved to him before closing his door. That's weird...he didn't even smile. He must be pretty busy as well.


I went to class and saw Haru there. I should talk to him now; while he still has the time.

"Hi Haru!"

Haru: "Hey M/C..."

"What's wrong?"

Haru: "Hm? Oh nothing, i was just thinking."

I could see all the girls glaring at me. It was normal. Everytime i talked to Haru they would scowl at me.


Class was over and everyone was packing away.

Haru: "M/C, you should go home without me. I've got to go to karate."

"Ok then..."

Then Haru's karate buddies came in the classroom.

Haru's friend: "C'mon Haruki!"

Then they left as they glared at me. Even his friends hate me.

Ichigo: "I've got detention."

I looked at Takeshi and saw he was asleep. Like always.


"Jo i'm back!"

I waited for a response but i heard nothing. I went in the kitchen and he wasn't there either. I saw the breakfast i made him this morning was still on the table.

I went upstairs and knocked on his door again.

Jo: "....yes?"

"Hey Jo, you said you would have breakfast but you didn't."

He was facing his computer; in the middle of typing something. It looks like i interrupted him.

Jo: "I wasn't hungry."

"Are you hungry now?"

Jo: *Siigghhh* "Look, M/C i'm busy. Don't worry i'll eat something." He sounded irritated and there was a slight hint of a glare in his eyes.

"Ok." I said before closing the door.

Why do i feel like nobody wants me around?

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