Chapter 5: Reyna

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           Hey guys, sorry I didn't update before, I was away last week. Hope you enjoy this!  I thought it would be interesting to write and read from Reyna's point of view!


Chapter 5: Reyna

       Reyna was starting to wish she had become an Amazon with her sister. She didn't particularly like their fighting style, and preferred her Pegasus to a forklift, but it seemed pretty good in comparison to what she was enduring at the moment. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths to calm herself. 

                    It's OK, she told herself, it will be over soon. Remember what Bellona said last night. You don't have to completely convince them. Just delay them.

                     She opened her eyes and looked at her fellow Romans standing in front of her. She tried to clear her face of all false move and she knew she could be accused of treachery. She took one last deep breath and began.

                   "Fellow Romans," she began in what she hoped was a clear, confident voice, "We are gathered here for a War council to decide what our next move will be. I believe-" 

                        "There's nothing to decide," interrupted Octavian, "We know the rough location of the Greek camp. We send out scouts to get a lock on it, and attack. What more is there to it?"

                        Reyna gritted her teeth. She hated Octavian. If not for him, she wouldn't be afraid to tell everyone everything, but Octavian had the tongue of a snake. He would only have to say a few words and suddenly she would be an enemy of Rome. 

                        "That's where you are wrong, Octavian," she said, choosing her words carefully, "There is more to it than you think. The Greeks are aware that we plan to attack." She paused, trying to remember everything that Bellona had told her in that dream last night. "They are already preparing as we are, and we cannot underestimate them."

                     "You know a lot about them," sneered Octavian, "I suppose next you will be telling us the size and strength of their numbers?" He was doing it again. Questioning her loyalty, accusing her of being a traitor.

                     "Octavian, do not question my loyalty to Rome,"she said in a stern voice, restraining herself with some difficulty from screaming at him, "I had a dream-message last night from my mother, Bellona. She showed me visions of their camp, though she did not tell me their exact location." Tell the truth she thought, but not the whole truth. 

                       "Then tell us, how dangerous are they? I doubt they are more then us, or that they are better fighters," challenged Octavian.

                        "As I said before, we must not underestimate them. While they are about a hundred and fifty demigods in comparison to our two hundred, they are not only demigods. They have certain...allies. They have centaurs, cyclops, and the hunters of Artemis on their side. And, they have completely different tactics. We need to spend more time preparing, we need to be strong enough to face everything."

                       Silence followed this little speech. Reyna hoped that it would be enough to convince everyone. She herself had been scared half to death when she had seen it all last night in her dreams. Finally, Bobby spoke up,

                       "Did you say that they have centaurs and cyclops? I thought the centaurs and cyclops were on Gaea's side!"

                         "Exactly!" put in Octavian triumphantly, "proof that the Greeks are allied with Gaea!"

                       This was not going in the direction Reyna had hoped it would. 

                        "They're not the same kind. They are kind of different breeds," she explained, "The cyclopses are the one that work in the forges of the gods and the centaurs are the same ones who fought against Kronos. But that's not the point. If the Greeks can scatter our formation with their          - er -, unroman tactics, we're dead. We need to spend more time preparing."

                      Everyone started arguing at once. Reyna watched them helplessly. Sometimes she really hated being the leader, always having to be the one who broke up the fights, solved the problems, came up the best ideas. When the crew on the Argo II had come...well, she had thought everything would be alright again with Jason back. She wouldn't have to shoulder a job meant for two people anymore. She had had other hopes as well...hopes that had been dashed the moment she saw Piper and Jason together...

                     Then Reyna remembered Annabeth. Annabeth was the reason why Reyna believed that the Greek camp was not to blame, and that there couldn't be a war. Reyna had seen a little of herself in Annabeth... which made her trust her.

                     Suddenly Reyna felt that she needed to get out of the stuffy hotel room outside for a few seconds.

                     "Octavian," she called, "I - er- need to go to the bathroom." Octavian looked suspiciously at her, his eyes narrowed, but Reyna didn't care. She whipped out of the room and next thing she knew, she was outside, standing next to the stream that ran outside the hotel. 

                      She took a couple of deep breathes to calm herself, but still was feeling as if she was trapped in a dark room with the walls closing in on her. 

                       I can't do this. She thought miserably, a single tear rolling down her cheek. She knew what would happen if the two camps fought. Both camps would probably be reduced to rubble, and she couldn't let that happen to Camp Jupiter, her only real home.

                          More tears followed the first one. Then a voice behind her spoke,

                      "Hi Reyna, um, are you OK?" 

                       Reyna whirled around, and saw, standing in front of her, the person she wanted to see more than anything...Jason.


Hope you guys liked it! The next chapter is Reyna too. 

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