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The boy with the blue sky-painted eyes

Met the girl with the icy gray ones.

He changed her heart

and they talked over a long array of months.

She would come home expecting a new message from the boy,

It was like a little ritual they had.

It seemed the two were perfect for one another,

but then, the boy suddenly seemed to forget, and fast.

He began to not answer,

to read and not reply.

And he didn't know it,

but it honestly killed her inside.

She did her own investigation,

And figured out what happened to make him do these things.

He met another girl

And they seemed to have something more -- in sort-of a horrible timing.

Something better than the cold gray-eyed girl and sky-imprinted-eyed boy had,

Something that broke her heart into ten billion little pieces,

Something that made her angry and sad,

Something of of her nightmares --

Something bad.

It seemed completely irrelevant to him,

And he didn't even notice when she stopped messaging.

He didn't care that her sentences were shorter than usual,

His mind didn't falter at all.

So one day, she was done.

She told him the truth that she herself had just realized.

She told him she could not speak to him once more,

For if she did,

She would have gone off on the other girl.

The other girl with warm and calm brown eyes,

The one with the beautiful dark ombréd hair,

The one that did not actually bite her nails.

The nicer, kinder, prettier girl,

Who was actually his age

And probably loved him even more.

The one that made the blue-gray eyed girl's blood run cold,

And made her mind dark with rage.

Not towards the other girl, but on the boy,

For throwing away the months-worth of love they had had,

For turning something so beautiful of theirs,

Into something that was completely destroyed.

So on the day she confessed,

She sent the two-paragraphed message away.

And she realized that this truly was the end,

And that he honestly did not feel the same.

Because the last thing he had ever sent her was a simple,


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