Chapter 5: Just another day at school

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Hey guys
        I only updated a lot in this small amount of time because I had a 6 hour car ride there and back so I was really bored. 
         Comment about your winter break if you feel. This is back to present day not in the past like last chapter.

          Now to the story
     Chapter 5: just another day at school

       "ELLIE TIME TO GET UP I AM LEAVING." My dad yells from down stairs.

       "BYE, LOVE YOU." I scream back at him because I was already up. It's been two days since my make out session with Seth and I don't think of it as anything because it wasn't meaningful because I will never date again unless I have known the guy for years.

       I walk over to the closet and picked out a tank top that says "boys are better in books" then  I put on my ripped jean shorts with my black high top convers. I put on my usual makeup then for a change I left my hair down. I went downstairs and grabbed a protein bar and my bag.

    "Hey there beautiful." A familiar voice yells as I shut the front door.

    "What are you doing here?" I ask without turning around to see him.

    "Oh is that how you talk to your crush, princess." He says probably smirking. I feel butterflies in my stomach when he calls me princess.

     "Who say I have a crush on you, pretty boy." I finally turn around and walk back to where he's standing.

      "You blush every time I call you princess, and you weren't saying that at the party." He's signature smirk never leaving his perfect face.

      "Who's to say I wasn't using you, huh, now leave me alone I only talk to people who are my friends." I smirk right back at him.

       "Hey Ellie, good morning." Andrew comes out of his house and waves for Seth to get in the car.

      "Hey Andrew." I smile.

      "I thought you only talk to your friends, huh." Seth says thinking that he showed me.

     "Yeah exactly, he's my friend and your not Seth." I wave to Andrew and leave Seth to eat my dust and head to school.

Once I get to school I go straight to class because I have to retake a quiz. I finish the quiz.

"Mr.Bose can you grade my quiz now please." I ask as politely as I can because he gives detentions out for popping your gum, and he's not to fond of me.

"Of course." He sounded nice for a change.

"Thank you" I said once he was done grading. I got a 95% on my quiz. Inside squeal, Ekkkkkkk. I have never been good at social studies.

I head out of the classroom and to my locker. Andrew was standing at his lock which was next to mine. I walked up to my lock and he didn't notice me.

"GUESS WHAT?" I practically scream in his ear making him jump.

"What?" He asked playing along

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