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We all walked into the TARDIS tired, muddy and wet. Amy and Rory stopped near one of the many set of stairs whilst me and The Doctor stood at the console. Both of them turned to face us.

'Me and Rory are going to call it a night.' Amy said to me and him.

I nodded and smiled at them.

'Very well nighty, night Ponds!' He said.

The Doctor began to fly the TARDIS again into what he called the Time Vortex.

'So Alien Boy what are we going to do now.' I waltzed over to him.

'Well it's been a busy day so I can show you to your room so you can make your self at home.' He said heading up one of the flights of stairs, 'This way.'

Emerald sped up to catch up with him as he lead her down a long corridor. There were other walk ways leading off into many different diricetions as well as many doors which had name placks on them. There was one for a Susan, Rose, Jack, Donna and a Martha. She even ended up passing what she figured out to be Amy's and Rory's bed room.

They then came to a stop outside of a door that had her name written on it. The Doctor opened the door and stood to the side to allow her to step in to her new room.

Emerald gasped in amazement. The walls were painted a dark blue and the flooring was a beautiful cream carpet. The ceiling had a space theme painted all over it and there were glowing moons and stars. There was a big double bed against one of the walls which had dark blue covers. There was a bath room to one side and a big walk in wardrobe filled with loads of clothes. A desk also sat near one of the walls with a book case next to it.

'This is amazing.' She said and looked back at The Doctor who was smiling at her as he was leaning on the door way.

'So you like it then?'

'Yeah I've never has any where like it before. Thank you so much.' She yelled happily and threw her arms around his neck, it took him by suprise. Quickly she let go and tried to act like nothing had happened.

'Right I'll leave you be. If you want anything just give me as shout.' He said leaving with a smile, 'Night Emmy.'

'Night Doctor.' She called back. She closed the door behind him and got ready for bed.

'Hmmm home sweet home.' She thought to her self.



I was lying on my own bed. Things had gotten weird now. That girl seemed just impossible, I don't know what it is about her. I'll figure it out soon one way or another.

More coming soon so stay tuned~ snowy😉

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