To Hogwarts!

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We patiently sit on our boat as we approach Hogwarts. This is were I will meet my friends again. Not only them, I'll be with my family through this whole year, since my dad is the Deputy Headmaster in Durmstrang, where me and Vicky go and then Mum is the Deputy headmistress of Beauxbatons were my little sister goes.

I sit their snuggling into my warm coat, leaning back on the sofa,

"Hey Aleks, we're nearly at Hogwarts" says Filip (Philip), one of the Durmstrang boys

"Thanks Fil" I say as I get up and look out one of the Windows to see a beautiful castle,  and lots of people there, I run up on deck and look at the school, there I see my father and Uncle Igor, who's not really my uncle, but I just call him that. Then I see chariots with flying horses, pegasus', I know it's Beauxbatons, this year it's the Tri-Wizard Tournament, only people who are willing to enter were supposed to come but they didn't want to risk leaving me.

A couple minutes later we are called up on deck,

"Alright! Everyone knows what there doing for the entrance? Victor, Aleksandra, you have your Firebolts?" Igor asks

"Of course Uncle Igor" I say

We walk off the ship, well I fly off on my Firebolt, and land neatly infront of a teacher, with grey hair in a neat bun and green robes,

"You must be Miss Krum" she smiles and I nod.

"Welcome Igor, Aleksander" The professor says kindly shaking their hands.

"Hello Minerva, nice to see you again" Dad says

"Welcome students of Durmstrang! Im Professor McGonagall. Follow me to the great hall please" Professor McGonagall says and we follow her and wait outside the door, behind us Beauxbatons lines up and I turn and wave to Sofi and Mama.

They wave back with big smiles. I hear a voice, which I assume is the Headmaster Dumbledore, he says "Now let's welcome our visitors from the North, I present the Sons and Daughter of Durmstrang, the headmaster Igor Karkaroff and the Deputy Headmaster Aleksander Krum!" Shouts Dumbledore, that's our signal I mount my Firebolt and so does Vicky, First the boys with the staffs leave doing there number, then our acrobats enter, finally it's me and Victor flying in followed by dad and Igor. We fly and begin circling the rooms, we do the famous 'Sibling Jump' we did at the Quidditch World Cup, I jump of my Firebolt and onto Vicky's shoulders, then do a front flip and land on my Firebolt, and we both land as there erupts a round of applause and I bow and send a big smile and some boys blush.... Being a Veela is annoying, I notice familiar gingers and gesture to sit over at that table, I sit in between Fred and George, "You were Great" Fred whispers in my ear. I blush "Thanks Freddie" I whisper back and hug both of the twins, I look out of the corner of my eye to see Victor sending a death glare over to Fred. I giggle at Vicky,  as Dumbledore speaks.

"Now let's welcome the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy! With their headmistress Madame Maxime and Deputy Headmistress Madame Elena Krum" Professor Dumbledore says

The doors open once again this time is the Beauxbatons Girls lead by mum and Madame Maxime. They are all Veelas most boys stare at them in awe, but I notice out of the corner of my eye Freddie is staring at me? I blush but try to hide it with my blonde locks.

Then the next thing i see is my sister and her friend Gabrielle in colorful outfits doing their gymnastic/dance show. They finish and bow. I clap and yell out "Well done Sof!" And she smiles at me and waves a little,

"Now Hogwarts let us entertain our friends, all stand up!" Dumbledore says and every Hogwarts pupil stands up and start singing, I clap along, in one moment Fred grabs my hand gently and starts twirling me about causing me to laugh, the song ends and Fred stops and sits me down on his lap, as I clap (No rhyme intended)

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