Chapter Twenty-Three

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          Katsu was torn from his sleep early Saturday morning by his phone ringing loudly. He startled and slid off of the side of the bed.
"Ow, ow, ow," he grumbled before picking up his phone, "Hiii! Fast, reliable, and cheap delivery god Yato at your service!"
"Katsu?" A deep voice asked.
"Hm? What's up Kyoya?"
"Ah, um, it seems my father has learned about our relationship."
Katsu froze, "...H-has he, now?"
"W-well, like, w-what do we do?"
"I don't know."
Katsu clenched his fist. "...I love you."
"...I love you, too...but...We're going to have to stop seeing each other."
Dread filled Katsu's stomach, "B-but, I-"
"We can't argue about this."
Tears sprang to Katsu's eyes and he slid to the floor. "I-I love you so much," he said, sobbing lightly.
"I know...I know. I love you so much. I love you....I'm so sorry."
"I love you!" Katsu's sobs grew louder.
"I'm sorry. I have to go."
A click came from the phone.
Katsu clenched his fist around his phone before screaming and throwing it at the wall. He stayed like this for about thirty minutes before getting up, throwing on a coat, and leaving the apartment.
"Katsu?" Haruhi said, watching him as he left from where she stood in the kitchen.

After an hour of walking and finally realizing that he didn't know where he was going, Katsu sat down on a park bench and stared at the darkening sky. He shook his head in aggravation.
'Why the hell did this have to happen?' he thought angrily. He kicked the ground with his shoe. 'You know what? Whatever! Nothing ever goes my way anyways.' He glared at the sky and shoved his hands into his jacket's pocket. After sitting there for a few minutes before feeling his phone vibrating through his jean's pocket. He pulled it out and answered.
"Hello?" he said.
"Katsu," said Tamaki's voice, "I heard what happened. I'm really sorry."
"It''s..." Katsu paused. "I just....I really love him."
"I know. He loves you a lot, too."
Katsu stared blankly at the pavement. "I don't know what to do."
"You should come to our school tomorrow and talk to him."
"I don't think he'll want to talk."
"No, just forget it. We keep being pulled apart anyways."
Katsu hung up and bowed his head over his clenched fists.


A month had passed since Katsu and Kyoya broke up. They hadn't really talked since then.
"You're doing what?!" Katsu asked in surprise.
"I'm going to study abroad in America," Haruhi repeated.
"But Haruhiiiiiiiii," Katsu whined, "what am I supposed to do without my sisterrrr?"
"You'll get along."
"But where are you going to school?"


"Bye, Haruhi! I'll come visit you when I get a break from school!" Katsu yelled and gave his older sister a tight hug.
"Bye, Katsu."
Katsu watched as she boarded her plane.
"HARUHIIIIIII!" I heard familiar voices yell. I turned to look at the entire host club.
"Are you guys here to say bye to Haruhi? She's already on the plane."
"Nope!" Hunny said happily, "we're going with her, Kat-chan!"
"HAAAAAH?!?! Unfair!"


"Misakiiiii, I'm all alone," Katsu cried at lunch one day.
"You have me," he said.
"I know, but my dad's usually at work and you go home to Usami-sensei or else he gets jealous and agitated, so I end up being alone."
Just as he said this a girl tripped by his table, dropping her lunch. She let out a curse.
"Are you okay?" Katsu asked, moving from his seat to help her.
"Yeah, thanks," she said, she smiled timidly.
"No problem, I'm Katsu. What's your name?"
"Hiyori. Nice to meet you."
Katsu smiled.


A year had passed. After the incident with Hiyori, the three college students became great friends. Katsu and Misaki learned that she was married and had a little boy named Yukine. They met her husband Yato who they quickly learned was a little bit weird but obviously deeply in love with Hiyori.

Katsu was in the middle of cooking his dinner when his phone rang.
He answered, "Hello, Katsu speaking."
"Hello, this is the Shinjuki Hospital. We're calling on behalf of Hiyori Iki. Earlier today she and her husband were in a car accident. She wants to see you."
Katsu froze for a moment, "I'll be right there." He hung up. "Dad! I'm taking the car!" he quickly pulled on a coat and ran out the door.


"Katsu," Hiyori said in a weak voice.
"Hiyori, you're going to be fine," Katsu said, holding onto her hand.
Once he had arrived at the hospital he had learned that Yato had died on impact.
"Yato and I both trust you. Do you could do us a huge favour?"
"A-anything, Hiyori."
"Can you take care of Yukine."
"What are you talking about? You're going to fine and you're going to be the one to take care of him."
Hiyori smiled softly. "If you insist."
Hiyori passed away later that night.


"So you're adopting Yukine?" Misaki asked sadly.
"Yeah," Katsu sighed, "god, I miss them so much."


Two more years passed. Katsu had adopted Yukine, who was now six years old, and had graduated from college with a degree in literature. He hadn't visited Haruhi at all, seeing as he didn't have much time with school and Yukine.
"Katsu," Ranka said a few days after the graduation, "I've been saving up for a while, so I want you to take Yukine and go visit your sister. She hasn't seen you in three years and has never met Yukine."
"But, dad--"
"It's fine, it'll be fun!"
"But what about you?"
"I have work."
"Nope, I'm not going to argue about it."


"Where we going?" Yukine asked for the seventh time during the plane ride.
"We're going to America to visit your Aunt Haruhi."
"Oh...Are we there yet?"


"HARUHIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!" Katsu yelled as he pounded on the door.
The door flung open to reveal an annoyed Haruhi.
"Katsu, shut up."
Haruhi smiled as she hugged her brother. She looked down at the little boy clinging tightly to Katsu's pants.
"This must be Yukine."
"Yup! Isn't he adorable?" Katsu grinned down at Yukine.
"Come in," Haruhi said, moving aside from the door frame and walking in, followed by little Yukine.
Before he had the chance to take a step into the apartment the door to the room down the hall opened.
Katsu turned to the voice calling his name. "Kyoya." The two stood looking at each other for a while before Yukine ran out. Katsu picked him up.
"Daddy, aren't you coming in, too?"
"'Daddy'?" Kyoya asked in alarm.


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