Chapter Four

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        "Will you stop laughing already?" Kyoya asked, withdrawing his hand from Katsu's stomach. 

        "B-but I'm really ticklish!" Katsu gasped for breath. Kyoya folded his arms over his chest. "Oh dear, is someone annoyed?" 

        "You're dense sometimes, you know that?"

        "What?" he tilted his head to the side, "ya think so?"


        "Oh...I'm going to bed." Katsu stood. 

        "I'm not sleeping out here with them," Kyoya said, also standing.

        "Good choice," Katsu stuck his tongue out of his mouth playfully. 

        Katsu laid on his bed with Kyoya next to him. He laid on the taller male's chest, breathing in his intoxicating scent. Kyoya had his arms wrapped around Katsu's torso. 


        Katsu startled awake at the sound of his father's screams. 

        "WHY IS KYOYA IN BED WITH MY DARLING SON?!?!?!" Ranka screeched. Haruhi stood next to him, along with the rest of the Host Club. 

        "Dad, calm down. I'm sure they didn't do anything."

        "What are you talking about?" Katsu said, his words slurred together, he yawned in the middle of his sentence.

        "MY DARLING SON! I know I said I was okay with you dating Kyoya, BUT NOT IF YOU SLEEP TOGETHER!!!" Ranka screeched. 

        "Come on, dad. Leave them alone," Haruhi said and dragged Ranka out of the room while Hikaru and Kaoru laughed like madmen in the background.

        "That was weird, huh Kyoya?...Kyoya?" Katsu turned his head and looked at the sleep-deprived Kyoya. "Hm, you look angry. You should smile." Katsu pulled up the corner of Kyoya's mouth. 

        "K-Katsu! You have to be careful!" Tamaki whisper-screamed.

        "Huh? How come?" Katsu tilted his head to the side.

        "Because Kyoya's blood type is AB!!!!" The twins continued for Tamaki.

        "Oh my gosh! Seriously?! Wow!.........I still don't understand..."

        "He has the same blood type as Hunny-senpai!!!!" Katsu looked at Hunny, who looked a bit less cheerful than usual. 

        "Oh my dear gracious stars!....gonna need another hint..." 

        "He's the Shadow King!!!!"

        "You guys are bad at explaining things. Whatever, come on Kyoya!...Kyoya?" Katsu turned to look at Kyoya again, only to see that the older boy had fallen back asleep. "Oi!" Katsu flicked Kyoya's cheek, "Wake up!" Kyoya startled awake and glared at Katsu. 

        "Why'd you wake me up?" he slurred. 

        "I wanna get up, but you're laying on, like, half of me," Katsu crossed his arms over his chest.

        "Oh," Kyoya rolled over. 

        "Oi!" Katsu flicked Kyoya's cheek again, "Don't fall back asleep!" 

        "Stop it," Kyoya complained. 

        "Aw, is wittle yo-yo still tiyerd?" Katsu said mockingly.


        "Get up," Katsu wrapped his arms around Kyoya's torso and pulled him out of bed. Kyoya landed on the floor with a thump.

        "SPLURDIFLUR!!!!" Kyoya make uncomprehensionable annoyed noises. 

        "Come on. I'm hungry." Katsu ran out of the room, leaving Kyoya to lay on the floor in and angry, tired heap.

        "Hello Mr. Cereal," Katsu said, "gonna get a bowl. Yeah, gonna get a bowl." Katsu poured his cereal into a bowl and dropped a spoon in. "Thank you very much Mr. Cereal. OURAN-GE JUICE!" 

        The rest of the Host Club stood watching him.

        "Katsu, dad went to pick up our cousins from the airport," Haruhi said as she walked into the kitchen. 

        "Haruhi," the twins whispered, "Your brother has gone insane."

        "What's wrong with Kat-chan?" Hunny asked.

        "Hm? Nothing's wrong. He does this every morning," Haruhi explained. 

        "...He talks to his breakfast?" Tamaki asked. 

        "Yup! You gotta problem with that?" Katsu asked as he plopped onto the floor with his bowl in his lap. 

        "He also eats on the floor...he's weird like that...I'll get you guys breakfast." 

        After they finished eating they were just chillin' in the living room...okay Mori was chillin', Hunny was talking about cake, the twins were annoying Haruhi while Tamaki screamed at them, Kyoya was falling back to sleep, and Katsu continued to flick his cheek when he looked like he was about to nod off, when the doorbell rang. 

        "I'LL GET IT!" Katsu Screeched, and jumped up from his spot next to Kyoya.

        "He is really energetic in the morning," the twins said. 

        "A-Akira..." Kyoya jumped up and rushed to the door.

        "Katsu, I—" Akira froze when he saw Kyoya, "O-oh...Kyoya..."


I kept writing 'ED OF CHAPTER' so from now on the end of the chapter is called 'ED', okay? Okay. Okay? Yeah...Bye, lovelies~!

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