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Harry's p o v

We just moved into the new house today, and Liam, Zayn and Louis are getting the stuff out the car. We don't need to worry about furniture because it's already here. So, me and Niall are exploring the house and seeing what room want to be ours. Apparently we are sharing because Liam and Louis thought that we need to learn to get along better. They always think they have some type of scenario for everything, but whatever. I walked up the stairs, Niall following quietly behind me and went all the way to the room at the end of the hall. I opened the door and was met with a huge room.

I walked inside and Niall closed the door behind us, taking in the room as well. It had dark blue colored walls, with light blue colored soft carpeting on the floors. There was even it's own bathroom in the room, with a big screen tv and a desk where we could put our lap tops and stuff. The closet had two doors and Niall opened it. It was very roomy inside the closet, big enough to hold both our clothes in it. I guess sharing a room isn't bad, this room is big. I turned to face Niall and gave him a knowing look. "This is our room, don't you agreed?" I asked. He only nodded.

"Yeah, only if they let us have it." He said through a mind link. If you know Niall like I do, you would know that Niall rarely talks with his mouth. He's always using a mind link to communicate. I don't know why, he just does it. It was annoying at first, but I guess I got used to it, and it really doesn't matter to me. I rolled my eyes. "Of course they will, hello, they're the ones who told us to go pick a room out and we did, so it's ours." I said. Niall shrugged and I groaned, glaring at him, before grabbing his hand and pulling him back downstairs where the boys were. "Louis, we found the room we want, wanna see it?" I asked, letting go of Niall. Louis smiled and nodded. I walked back up the stairs with them both following in behind me. I showed Louis the room and he looked around, admiring the room, nodding his head.

"Good choice, this room is just perfect for the two of you. I know you are gonna get along now." He said. I rolled my eyes and Niall shrugged. "Now, all we have to do is get a few more things for this room and another bed, cause I know you guys don't wanna share." He said, eyeing us.

"Phsst, hell no." I said. Louis glared and tapped the back of my head. "Ow, sorry." I groaned. Louis' glare vanished and he smiled.

"Good, but for tonight until we get that other bed, you'll have to share." He said. I groaned, while Louis laughed and Niall smirked, nudging my arm. I swatted his hands away and went down stairs to collect my stuff inside the boxes. Niall did the same and we made about like 5 to 6 trips up and down the stairs, to get all our stuff and bring it into our new room. We spent about hours, setting our stuff up in our room and putting clothes into the closet. I got so bored and got up to go sit at the window seat, thankfully this room had one. I put my feet up and stared out the window, into the woods. You're probably wondering why we're in the woods. Well, we're werewolves and we were relocated here because there was new pack members coming in, and they moved them into our house, so we had to move here. I was pretty pissed about the whole thing, but I don't even care anymore. It's not like I had friends there, and I may never have any friends here either. I'm not very social at all, and Niall's not either, but that's mostly because Zayn keeps us house bound all the time. He hardly let's us do crap, and I blame him for being the reason we make no friends.

It mostly has to do with the fact that Niall and I are both subs. Sub meaning that we are weaker than others, can't defend ourselves, and all of that bull crap. I mean, sure it's true, but it makes you feel so low, y'know. Like you can't do stuff for yourself and that you always need somebody there for you. I wonder if going into a new school will be hard. Will I actually make friends for the first time or will I be the same as I was in my other school? I don't know. It's usually just me and Niall together at all times. No wonder we fight so much. We spent so much time together, that we get sick of each other sometimes. But being with Niall, is better than nothing, so I guess I have to deal with it. Plus, Zayn expects me to protect him since I'm older. I don't know how that works, since we're both subs. How does that sound? A sub protecting another sub? Ridiculous right? Whatever, Zayn was always on the crazy side anyway. He may be my brother, but he has serious issues. And speaking of the devil, Zayn just walked in, looking angry.

"Harry, I've been calling you for the longest, what are you doing?" He growled. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around. Niall was no where in sight.

"O-oh, I was just - I,"

"No excuses, get downstairs now, so that we can all talk." He told me sternly. I sighed and slowly got up, quickly running past him incase he hit me or something. Cause he obviously has a short temper. Stupid doms. I went downstairs and saw everyone sitting in the living room. I looked at Niall and glared.

"You could've told me we were called down you douche." I said, sitting away from him. He just rolled his eyes.

"Don't blame him, he listened, you didn't." Zayn said. I tried not to glare at him.

"I know, but he-"

"Stop talking." He demanded me. I sunk back into the chair at his authority, looking down at my lap. "Now, I know moving here was a little unexpected, but we have to suck it up and deal with it." Zayn told us. I hated it when he always acted like he was the oldest and that he was running things. Liam is the oldest, and I would much rather be hearing him talk, not Zayn. But I didn't say that out loud, Zayn would probably slap my lips off my face if he heard me say that to him. I wasn't even listening to the whole conversation, but toned back in after a second "-the house at anytime, understood?" Was all I heard Zayn say.

"Huh?" I asked. Zayn glared at me.

"I said, you and Niall are not allowed to leave the house at anytime." He repeated.

"What but-"

"No Harry, there are too many things that could happen to you two, and I know there was more dominants living in this area. So when I say don't leave, don't leave, understood?" He told me. I sighed deeply and crossed my arms, glaring at him.

"So, you're telling me that I have to sit in this boring old house all day, because you think 'dominants are gonna get us'?" I asked annoyingly. Suddenly, I felt Zayn's hard grip on my chin as he mad me look him in the eyes. I put my hands over his in attempt to pull away, but he didn't let me.

"Harry Edward, what have I told you about questioning my authority, huh?" He asked angrily. I whimpered as my wolf started to get scared.

"N-not to." I stuttered.

"Then don't do it, do you hear me? Or there will be consequences." He said firmly. I nodded, whining lowly as he let go. I looked down at my lap, sniffling a bit, trying to hold back the tears. I always hated when Zayn lectured me in front of my brothers or out on public. It was embarrassing. I felt Louis sit down next to me and pull me into his arms. I buried my face into his neck.

"Zayn, I wish you would stop getting upset over things like that. He only asked a question." Louis said, sounding upset himself, as he combed his fingers through my hair.

"No Louis, he was being smart with me and I had to deal with it." Zayn replied.

"Well, couldn't you have waited till later? You know how he feels about being lectured in front of us." Louis said in a low voice.

"It had to be done Louis, stop being so soft." Zayn growled, before walking away. Louis sighed, shaking his head, before looking down at me.

"You ok?" He asked, I nodded, my body settling down a bit. I was still a bit upset because Zayn always tried to keep us in the house. I'm 16 years old, I should be allowed to go somewhere other than school and back. This life sucks enough as it is and this just adds onto it. But now that I think of it, I don't really care. I can always sneak out and go where ever I want and Zayn can't say anything. As long as Niall keeps his mouth shut and doesn't tell on me every time I do something, I think I'll be ok.

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