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Harry's p o v

Niall and I had just been dropped off at school today. This time Liam had took us, instead of Zayn, cause he and Louis were too busy yelling at each other about something. Thank god for that though. Zayn has been a bit touchy these days and on edge. It's really annoying and just so that he won't be pissed off again like he was yesterday, I'll stay by Niall's side all day today. If that makes grumpy happy. We walked to our lockers -I didn't really need anything from my locker, but Niall did. So I waited for him to get whatever he needed.

After he went through the locker, he closed it and locked it. We walked down the hall in silence, ignoring everyone we pasted. Going into first period, we sat in the back in our same seats from the first day. I sat down and leaned back in my seat, watching as Niall got all his stuff out on his desk. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, starting to do the same thing. I don't know why, but sometimes I just have this urge to do whatever he does. So I took out my notebooks, a pen and a pencil just in case. Once everyone was inside the classroom, Mr. Mendez started talking. Telling us about the part of spanish we'd be learning today. I was writing stuff down, when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked up and saw the blue eyed guy from yesterday. We've talked, but he never told me his name and I don't think I ever told him my name.

Even though he's a dominant, there's something different about him, but I can't put my finger on it. Also, he keeps staring at me and every time, it makes my heart race and I kept help but turn away and blush. What the hell? This is why being a sub sucks. These dominants have effects on us and they make us react in certain ways. I tried to ignore him, but his piercing gaze wouldn't let me. And that's how the rest of the class period went. Him taking long glances at me and me not being able to focus and blushing. Class ended and I really needed to get out of here. Niall followed me out of the class and I quickly made my way down the crowed hall. Niall grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Harry, what the hell? Why are you so in a hurry?" He asked.

"Because, I'm trying to g-" Before I could finish, the guy from class cane up to Niall and I. Niall sensed what he was and instantly backed away from him, into the lockers. "That's why Niall, that's why I was in a hurry?" I said through a mind link. Niall looked at me and tilted his head.

"Hey." The guy said to both Niall and I. Niall looked at him like he was a ghost, and didn't dare say a word. But I spoke up, wanting to actually talk to the guy.

"H-hi." I replied.

"Well, I saw you in class and I thought you were really cute, so I though hmm, why not talk to you." He said smoothly. My eyes widened and I had to stop the blush that almost crept to my cheeks.

"Um, thank you?" I squeaked, not knowing how to reply. I've never had anyone tell me something like that before and I didn't really ever receive attention like this from a dominant. Niall was just standing there looking dumbfounded and I didn't blame him. I was kinda shocked myself. The guy chuckled and moved a strand of hair from my face.

"Why you're welcome beautiful and by the way, my name's Sean." He said, twirling a piece of my hair in between his fingers.

"M-my name is Harry." I said without even thinking.

"I know, you've introduced yourself to the class yesterday." He smiled. Yeah, I totally forgot about that. He looked to the side, and then back at me. "Well, I have to go, but I will talk to you later and maybe we can get to know each other better." He winked. I nodded rapidly and he grinned, kissing my cheek before backing away and walking down the hall. I stared into space in a daze. Then Niall tapped me roughly on the shoulder. I looked at him.

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