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Harry's p o v

It's been two whole weeks since we've moved here, and it's been pretty good. Better than our last house we lived in. There we lived around a lot of our pack mates, and it was a bit crowded. But here it's quiet and peaceful, and no mean and stuck up pack members walking around. Or screaming children that gives you headaches. School was also sorta fun. I've finally made friends, only that group that Niall and I met, with that weird annoying friend of his. What's his face? Um, was it Jack or something? Whatever, I don't care. I'm closest with Jaymi than anybody in the group though, but I do talk a lot with the others. Also, Niall has been really annoying lately because of me talking with Sean. I don't see the big deal in it.

I sat in class, resting my cheek in the palm of my hand, while the other hand was used to write boring notes down. While also listening to the teacher ramble. Niall was so engrossed in the lesson that it disgusted me. God, why did I have such a nerdy brother for? He loves books, school, learning and just everything that a nerd would like. The only time I would crack a book open is if it had audio to go with it. Reading messes with my brain, I swear it does. And it gives me headaches. I don't understand how anyone could be a book worm.

I was brought from my thoughts, at the bell ringing. I sighed and put my things away. Niall came and stood beside me. Once I was ready, he and I walked out of the class. We started down to our next lesson, me slacking behind. I was slightly sleepy from boredom and I did not have the energy to walk at any faster pace than I was. Suddenly, I felt a hand grip my wrist tightly. Not tight enough to hurt though, but firm. I was spun around and pushed back into the lockers. Hands were placed above both sides of my head. I looked up see Sean with a smile on his face. "Hello there beautiful." He said, smiling even wider. He was so charming and oh my god, I sound like a girl. I blushed and mentally cursed myself for it.

"Hi." I replied. Sean took down one of his hands and slowly started walking his fingers down my arm, until they reached my hand and he swiftly intertwined our hands together. I gasped, feeling like I had just been shocked and felt a weird feeling go through me. I honestly loved having my hand in his right now. Sean grinned.

"I was wondering Harry, I like you a lot, even though we've only known each other for a short amount of time-"

"Really?" I asked, surprised that he actually liked me. He nodded and I beamed. "I like you too." I told him. Sean laughed and brought his other hand up to touch my cheek.

"Well Harry, you're really cute and adorable and I really like you're personality. You are very beautiful in my eyes, and I would definitely try dating you." Sean said. I froze at what he had just said.

"Y-you would date me?" I said, my voice slightly squeaky and I had to clear my throat. Sean chuckled.

"Course. In fact, that's what I wanted to ask you Harry." He said, then grabbed my chin gently and our eyes connected. "Will you go out with me?" Sean asked. I blinked a couple of times, making sure I had heard him right. Did he really just ask me out? Or maybe I'm day dreaming? Who knows. Then a smile broke out onto my face, and I nodded slowly.

"Yes." I answered and Sean grinned down at me.

"Alright then, meet me out by the court yard after school and we can talk about this. I don't want you being late to class." He leaned forward and kissed the side of my mouth softly, and have my hand a gentle squeeze, before he winked and walked away, leaving me a bit flustered. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look over to see Niall. I groan and glare at him. "What?"

"There you go again with that Sean guy. Haven't I warned you enough."

"Oh my gosh, I don't have time for this." I say, and I start to head towards my next class. I hear Niall huff in annoyance, but he doesn't say anything more, he just follows me. I walk him to his class, before going to mines. The whole way through class, I'm thinking about meeting Sean at the court yard. What's he gonna say to me? Is he going to kiss me? I really want him to kiss me. His lips look like they are very soft and plush, and I wouldn't mind them being against mine for a while. I'm sure he wouldn't mind me either. I haven't kissed anyone before, because Zayn is very strict about Niall and I dating. I mean, I've shared a small peck on the lips that lasted for like a split second, but not a real kiss, by someone I would actually have a relationship with. I wonder if I would be good or now. I don't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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