My fairy-tale

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Once upon a time in a kingdom was a princess who was loved by one and all. One day she was playing hide and seek and she hid in the nearby forest. She found something hidden in the dirt. It was glowing and felt like it had life. She picked it up and washed it in the nearby river. Before she could check what it was she heard noises from people who were searching for it. She quickly wrapped it in her clothes and started running to away from the people. She kept running for days hiding and dodging people who wanted that glowing piece.

She came across an abandoned castle so she ran in to hide. Seeking shelter she went to the tallest tower in the castle and locked herself in the room. When she peaked from the window she saw all the people retreating back. She thought she was safe now but when she looked down she saw a dragon roaming around the tower. She realized she had to wait for the dragon to move and then she can leave. She did for days but the dragon seemed to guard this tower and never move. She was slowly fading to hunger and thirst when she saw a star break from the sky and fall towards the tower. When it was near enough it transformed into a fairy. The princess pleaded the fairy to get her out of there.

On this the fairy told the secret of the glowing piece she was hiding. In a kingdom far away from hers a prince was born who was born with only half a heart. The other half was hidden somewhere in the jungle. If both the half's were united they would give him the magical power that no one else possessed. So the people wanted to get hold of the heart so they can rip the other half out of him and get that power. The dragon was sent by the fairy to stop these people from entering in the tower and taking it. But the downfall to this was the princess couldn't get out of the tower too.

Now the princess had two choices either to leave the tower for which she had to let go off the heart and let the fate of the prince be in the hands of whoever found it. Or she could wait here till the prince is old enough and come for his other half. He would slay the dragon and then the princess could give him his heart who will use his power to grant whatever she wished for. The princess was the kindest lady of her kingdom. She thought if the other half fell in the wrong hands they may kill the young prince. So she chose to stay. The fairy cast a spell on her so she doesn't feel hungry or thirsty till the prince kissed her. Saying this the fairy disappeared.

The princess waited patiently for years for the prince to come. Then as fate had decided the prince came and slayed the dragon. He climbed up the tower to the princess who handed over the other half that she had never separated from her in all these years. When the prince held the half it disappeared and completed his damaged heart. The prince saw her and smiled. The princess thinking he must have powers asked him to take her back to her kingdom to her parents. The prince looked confused and told her that he had no magical powers. The princess looked sad so the prince took her face in his hands and they kissed making her smile for the first time in all these years. That was his magical power to make her smile. They fell in love and the prince carried her back to their kingdom where they lived happily ever after.

Maybe we have been told the fairy tales in a wrong way all our life. The prince was the one in distress because he had only half a heart. The other half was under the protection of a princess who was waiting for years in the tower for him to come. The prince had to slay the dragon once but the princess had to safeguard it from them all her life. She chose solitude to save his heart from the world. One day the prince slays the dragon and the princess puts his heart back together to save him. She had saved him every single day she lived. And that's why she is his forever.

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